Brewing up promising futures
During a recent inspection of Rossie Secure Accommodation Services, we identified areas of sector leading practice. The service, that offers a total of 18 bedrooms in a secure residential setting with access to education, strived to meet the key areas identified in The Promise. We identified they were meeting this aspect identified in The Promise which states “Care experienced children and young people will receive all they need to thrive at school. There will be no barriers to their engagement with education, and schools will know and cherish their care experienced pupils.” The service has described an innovative aspect of the work they are doing to support children and young people.
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Update on self-evaluation in adult care services
Update from webinars
We are continuing to work with adult care services to develop their skills around self-evaluation to support our upcoming tests, where we will validate service’s self-evaluations during our inspections. This has included holding webinars, which were attended by more than 800 people working in or providing adult care services. At these events, we provided practical support and advice to help services understand the process as well as providing information on how we will be testing a new approach to validating self-evaluation between July and September this year.
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We’re hiring inspectors
We're recruiting inspectors to work within our adult, and early learning and childcare teams.
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Relaunch of the Space to Grow and Thrive resource
Minister for Children, Young People and the Promise, Natalie Don MSP, attended the relaunch of the Space to Grow and Thrive resource. The minister was joined at Cairellot Nursery in Bishopton by the Care Inspectorate’s Executive Director of Scrutiny and Assurance, Kevin Mitchell.
Space to Grow and Thrive supports the delivery of high-quality environments for children attending early learning and school aged childcare (SACC) in Scotland.
The resource incorporates relevant Care Inspectorate guidance and provides a one-stop resource related to both indoor and outdoor settings. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date framework for planning, designing and delivering high-quality ELC and SACC settings that support children’s wellbeing, learning and development.
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Joint inspection report on services for adults in Inverclyde
A joint inspection of adult services has considered the outcomes and experiences of adults living with mental illness in the Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership area.
The inspection found strengths in how integrated health and social care services are positively supporting people’s health and wellbeing outcomes. Inspectors also identified some areas which could improve.
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