Review of Space to Grow: Design guidance for early learning and childcare and out of school care settings

Space to Grow was launched in 2017 and is the Scottish design guidance for premises-based day care of children settings including school aged childcare. The resource is not for childminding settings.

In recognition of the need to refresh and update this resource, the Scottish Government requested that the Care Inspectorate lead and work with stakeholders to develop a revised resource by the end of March 2024.

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Improvements made to the Digital Portal

Over the last couple of years, we have been updating our IT systems.  We launched our Digital Portal for care services and providers in early 2021. 

Since then, we have listened to feedback from people who use the portal and have continued to develop the facility to ensure the service meets your requirements.  We are pleased to announce we have now launched some new features to the portal: 

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Statistical Summary Report for Quarter 2 of 2023/24

The Care Inspectorate Statistical Summary Report for Quarter 2 of 2023/24 has now been released.  This presents data on the number of registered care services, new registrations and cancellations, complaints about care services and quality theme grades all by care service type and or service sector.  This is updated on a quarterly basis.

All content is available under the Open Government License, unless otherwise stated. More information on this license is available here

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Shared inspection framework

Joint statement from the Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland on the shared inspection framework for early learning and childcare (ELC) services, including childminding and school-aged childcare in Scotland.

The Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland are continuing to work together to develop the new shared inspection framework. Our commitment remains to publish the framework and have it operational by September 2024. Throughout this time, we will continue to listen and respond to the views of the sector.

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Early learning and childcare statistics 2022

The Care Inspectorate has today published ‘Early Learning and Childcare Statistics 2022’, which shows the availability and quality of registered daycare of children and childminding services for children and families across Scotland.

This report is based on the ELC services registered with the Care Inspectorate and incorporates evaluations of the quality of these services, as well as additional information from the annual returns completed by service providers. The statistics include longer term trends as well as a focus on changes in the most recent year to 31 December 2022.

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