Factsheet on supporting meaningful connection when people are living with dementia
It is estimated that around 90,000 people in Scotland are living with dementia, with or without a formal diagnosis, and they make up approximately 65% of people who live in care homes for older people. Meaningful connection is essential for everyone, but people who are living with dementia can face particular challenges in communicating and in forming and maintaining relationships, leading to an increased risk of isolation and loneliness.
The Meaningful Connection, Visiting and Anne’s Law Project has published a factsheet which includes practical ideas and strategies for care staff, family carers, and anyone else involved in caring for someone living with dementia, while recognising that everyone is unique and will experience their dementia journey differently.
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Recall: Boots Paracetamol 500 mg tablets (16s)
The MHRA have issued a medicines recall related to a specific batch of Paracetamol 500 mg tablets (16s), a product manufactured by Aspar Pharmaceuticals Limited and distributed by The Boots Company PLC.
For more information click here.
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Annual returns are now closed
This year’s annual returns have now closed.
We would like to thank everyone who submitted their annual return to us by the deadline, Sunday 2 March 2025. The information you have provided will help us plan, inform and carry out our inspections and improvement work.
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Blog by Cerys Ferguson, modern apprentice at the Care Inspectorate & SSSC for Scottish Apprenticeship Week
My career so far...
Blog by Cerys Ferguson, modern apprentice at the Care Inspectorate & SSSC for Scottish Careers Week
After leaving school, I went to college and completed an HNC in Media Analysis and Production. I then had the opportunity to continue studying Media at Robert Gordon University, however I wasn’t keen to move to Aberdeen, and the course wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do. Then I started studying Criminology at Abertay University in Dundee, however again, it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do. Finally, I was able to transfer courses at Abertay to study Psychology, which was definitely the right choice for me. I graduated summer 2023 and worked in hospitality for a year whilst deciding what I wanted my career to look like. That’s when I found the advertisement for the modern apprentice position at the SSSC. I knew I enjoyed learning but felt as though I needed to get out into the workforce, so the idea of a modern apprenticeship felt like a good fit for me. The thought of working in an office also appealed to me as I really enjoy the balance of collaborative and independent work. The application was simple, and luckily, I was offered a place at the group interview day. This day was a great experience, as it was my first ‘proper’ interview and solidified my thoughts of wanting to work in an office environment. The whole recruitment journey was pleasant, everyone I crossed paths with was very supportive and clear with what was required of me, and were able to answer any questions I may have had.
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eForms issue resolved
The issue with our eForms sytem has now been resoveled. Thank you for your patience.
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