Phishing emails claiming to be from Care Inspectorate

It has come to our attention that some services are receiving phishing emails falsely claiming to be from us. These emails may appear authentic at first glance.  An example of how one might look is included below.

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Prevention of scalding incidents in children’s settings

We have been notified of a small number of incidents involving children being scalded by hot soup. Although small in number, it is important to prevent any child suffering a scalding incident. Accidents of this kind can happen quickly, and the effects can be devastating. The Child Accident Prevention Trust UK states that overall almost half of all serious burns are to children under two and 70% are to children under five.

You can prevent these types of accidents by taking some easy to implement actions. This information is to raise awareness and should be used in conjunction with the service’s risk management processes and procedures to support staff development. It is not designed as an alternative to appropriate training.

Meal and snack times should be well managed and young children and babies should always be supervised when eating.

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Review of quality frameworks for children and young people’s services

We are reviewing our quality frameworks for the following service types:

  • Secure accommodation services
  • Mainstream boarding schools and school hostels
  • Care homes for children and young people and special residential schools

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Registering and running a childminding service: what you need to know

This booklet is designed to help you if you are applying to register a childminding service or you are already running a childminding service.

It explains the requirements of the Care Inspectorate so that you can make sure you meet them before you register your service. It also provides you with information that will help you when running your service and what to expect when you are inspected.

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Fostering and adoption statistical bulletin 2023/24

The number of foster care households and of approved adoptions in Scotland has continued to decrease, according to a new report by the Care Inspectorate.

The report, Fostering and adoption 2023/24, published today, Tuesday 10 September, provides insight into the operation of fostering, adoption and continuing care services in Scotland over the past five years. At 31 December 2023, there were just over 11,000 care services registered with the Care Inspectorate, including 38 adoption and 58 fostering services provided by the local authority and the voluntary/not-for-profit sectors.

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