Relaunch of the Space to Grow and Thrive resource

Minister for Children, Young People and the Promise, Natalie Don MSP, attended the relaunch of the Space to Grow and Thrive resource. The minister was joined at Cairellot Nursery in Bishopton by the Care Inspectorate’s Executive Director of Scrutiny and Assurance, Kevin Mitchell.

Space to Grow and Thrive supports the delivery of high-quality environments for children attending early learning and school aged childcare (SACC) in Scotland.

The resource incorporates relevant Care Inspectorate guidance and provides a one-stop resource related to both indoor and outdoor settings. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date framework for planning, designing and delivering high-quality ELC and SACC settings that support children’s wellbeing, learning and development.

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We’re hiring inspectors

We're recruiting inspectors to work within our adult, and early learning and childcare teams.

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A joint inspection of services for children and young people at risk of harm in East Lothian

The Care Inspectorate and its scrutiny partners, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland and Education Scotland, have evaluated the impact of services for children and young people at risk of harm in East Lothian as very good.

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Joint inspection report on services for adults in Inverclyde

A joint inspection of adult services has considered the outcomes and experiences of adults living with mental illness in the Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership area.

The inspection found strengths in how integrated health and social care services are positively supporting people’s health and wellbeing outcomes. Inspectors also identified some areas which could improve.

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Keeping children safe

We launched the Simoa (Safety, Inspect, Monitor, Observe, Act) campaign in August 2021 to help support the sector and reduce the number of incidents of children leaving settings unaccompanied by an adult. We also produced a series of practice notes to support improvement and to help ELC staff keep children safe.

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