The Care Inspectorate sends our best wishes to all those working in services across the country over the festive season and our sincere thanks for your continuing commitment during this time. 

We know this is an extremely busy time for care homes and want to remind services of the importance of visiting throughout this festive period. 

Meaningful contact with families and friends is fundamental to health and wellbeing, and is a key part of our human rights. 

As we are now well into the winter months, many care home services are experiencing increased outbreaks of infection.

All services must ensure that even during an outbreak, people are supported to stay connected, in person, with those who are important to them, when this is what people want. This is supported by the Health and Social Care Standards, which set out the clear expectation that everyone who lives in a care home will always have the right to see and get support from loved ones, even if restrictions on visiting are required at any time. 

Services must also ensure that any temporary changes in visiting arrangements are clearly communicated to families and friends, with the expected end date, and updated as appropriate. 

We have published a factsheet which covers expectations for visiting in both normal and exceptional circumstances, such as an outbreak. In any situation where restrictions are advised by the local health protection team, named visiting is the default position, and must be supported by the care home. In addition to this, essential visiting (which includes visits at the end of life or to alleviate or avoid stress and distress) must always be supported without restriction on frequency, duration, or number of visitors.  

Any restrictions must be proportionate, for the shortest possible period, and regularly reviewed. 

If you require any support over the festive period regarding outbreaks and management of these, please contact your local health protection teams (HPTs).  Please note that the contact details for HPTs (including out of hours) available here are only for care home managers. 

Please see our Factsheet on care home visiting for further information.