A reminder for services to submit their annual return before 15 February

A reminder from the Care Inspectorate for services to submit their annual return before 15 February

Each year, we ask services to complete an annual return questionnaire. This tells us about the structure and operation of services and helps us to plan, inform and carry out inspections. The questionnaire also gives valuable insight into the overall state of care in Scotland, which we share with other organisations, such as the Scottish Government and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC).

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Health Protection Scotland hosting an e-bug event

Health Protection Scotland is hosting an e-bug event on:

Tuesday 12th February 2019
09:30 – 13:00 (lunch provided after)
The Studio, 67 Hope Street Glasgow, G2 6AE

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CCPS Improvement Workshop

The Improvement Support team, one of our team managers and a colleague from NHS Scotland had a recent improvement event with Coalition of Care Providers Scotland (CCPS).

From our previous workshop with CCPS, delegates identified that reducing medication errors was an area they would like to improve on – David Marshall provided an improvement session on this and increased awareness and confidence to use improvement techniques  to assist in improving outcomes for those experiencing care.

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Banks O’Dee care home, Aberdeen

Press Release

A care home for older people in Aberdeen must make urgent improvements in the care experienced by residents, inspectors have said.

The Care Inspectorate has served a formal Improvement Notice on Banks O’Dee care home following a complaint and inspection which raised serious concerns.

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Blog: Reflections from my visit to Canada

by Henry Mathias, Head of Professional Practice and Standards

In October I was invited by the Lawson Foundation to Toronto to give the keynote presentation at an international symposium to promote the development of outdoor play in Canada. The Canadian charity had made a trip to Scotland earlier in the year to study outdoor play and fully funded my visit.

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