Blog: Food Matters is a new resource to help children eat well and enjoy good food every day

By Lois Anderson, Registration Inspector and Improvement Adviser

Last week we launched our latest resource Food Matters: nurturing happy, healthy children. This explores good practice examples from across the early learning and childcare (ELC) sector in Scotland that support children to have positive eating experiences and enjoy well-balanced nutritious food.

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Compassionate care and behaviour change

The Scottish Improvement Science Collaborating Centre (SISCC) are undertaking research aimed at health and social care practitioners to understand how to help change behaviour through taking part in a MOOC (massive open online course).

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Food Matters!

Nurseries, childminders and other early learning and childcare settings can make a huge difference in supporting youngsters to eat well and enjoy well balanced and nutritious food.

Eating well is essential for children in their early years as it can bring a host of health, social and educational benefits. And early learning and childcare settings across the sector are well placed to support children and families to explore and connect positively with food.

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Duty of Candour workshops

The SSSC have developed a Duty of Candour Training Pack in partnership NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and Scottish Government. The pack is for experienced trainers across health and social care organisations.

They are inviting trainers and facilitators to evaluate the training pack and provide feedback at these workshops.

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Services for children and young people in Moray

Services for children and young people in Moray are improving though there is still more work to be done.

It follows an inspection report published in February 2017 which identified important weaknesses in how children and young people were supported in the area, with improvements needed in leadership, strategic planning, and how services worked together to improve the lives of children experiencing neglect.

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