Job title: Organisation and Workforce Development (OWD) Assistant

Location: Flexible

Responsible to: OWD Advisor (People and Development)

Principle working contacts

  • OWD Team
  • Head of OWD
  • HR colleagues
  • Managers and employees of the Care Inspectorate

Job purpose

The main purpose of the role will be to support the OWD Team to commission and coordinate learning and development activity and deliver key OWD projects ensuring that the culture of the Care Inspectorate is equipped to support and improve the overall performance of the organisation.

Key responsibilities

Operational management

  • Contribute to the implementation of the Strategic Workforce Plan which supports the Care Inspectorate’s corporate plan, and the development of a healthy, high performance learning culture grounded in core values.
  • Commission, plan and co-ordinate learning and development and induction activities
  • Provide support in relation to OWD practices, including the provision of advice, guidance and support through an internal consultancy approach.
  • Plan, schedule, co-ordinate and compile evaluation reports for all learning and development activities.
  • Ensure procurement, financial and other internal governance processes are completed for learning and development activities.
  • Contribute to and support the planning and delivery of key OWD projects.
  • Lead on the maintenance of the learning management system (LMS) to support learning and development and performance management activities, evaluation and performance monitoring.
  • Manage the OWD mailbox and provide advice, guidance and support to Care Inspectorate staff to resolve general enquiries to the team.
  • Produce management information reports for learning and development within the Care Inspectorate.
  • Develop and maintain positive working relationships with Managers, employees, representatives of external agencies and the general public as appropriate.
  • Undertake any other duties and/or responsibilities commensurate with the nature of the job.
  • Carry out your duties in accordance with our Health and Safety policies, procedures, guidance, practices and legislative requirements, taking reasonable care for your safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or fail to do while at work

Other duties

This job may require extensive travel and involve overnight stays. This job profile is a broad picture of the post at the date of preparation. It is not an exhaustive list of all possible duties, and it is recognised that jobs change and evolve over time. Consequently, the post holder will be required to carry out any other duties to the equivalent level that are necessary to fulfil the purpose of the job, and to respond positively to changing business needs.

The post holder will be expected to work autonomously in the main but also within a group, with agreed priorities and objectives. Objectives for this post will be agreed jointly with the relevant line manager and director and will be reviewed on a regular basis.