Disability confident leader logo.

We are a Disability Confident employer committed to inclusion and diversity within our workplace.

The Disability Confident scheme helps employers recruit and retain great people, and to:

  • challenge attitudes and increase understanding of disability
  • draw from the widest possible pool of talent
  • secure high-quality staff who are skilled, loyal and hard working
  • improve employee morale and commitment by demonstrating fair treatment

It also helps identify those employers who are committed to inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

The scheme has 3 levels designed to support employers on their Disability Confident journey, these are:

  • Disability Confident Committed (Level 1)
  • Disability Confident Employer (Level 2)
  • Disability Confident Leader (Level 3)

We actively encourage applications from people with a disability by offering an interview, where the candidate meets the minimum criteria for the job.  The criteria can be found on the person specification for each vacancy we advertise. 

Happy to translate logo.

We are members of Happy to Translate (HTT) - a national scheme which enables organisations to engage effectively with customers who speak little or no English.

Members are inclusive organisations that are committed to making their services available to all. Guidelines help members to embed an ethos of cultural awareness and sensitivity in every aspect of their communications so that customers are not marginalised as a result of language barriers.

HTT tools and processes equip staff with the skills and knowledge needed to communicate with those who speak little or no English. 


Our LGBT Charter Group works with the LGBT Charter who support us as an inclusive employer. 

We develop policies and procedures that engage with the LGBT community across Scotland.  They tell us about the care services they experience.

Our purpose is to deliver the action plan from our  Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report. ​ We are focused on promoting LGBT:​

  •  Equality​
  •  Diversity ​
  •  Inclusion​

In 2018, we were awarded LGBT Youth Scotland’s Foundation Charter award. 


    Living wage

The real Living Wage is an independently calculated rate based on the cost of living and is paid voluntarily by employers.  

The rate is calculated annually by The Resolution Foundation on an analysis of the wage that employees need to earn in order to afford the basket of goods required for a decent standard of living. This basket of goods includes housing, childcare, transport and heating costs.

Living Wage Scotland was established in April 2014 with the aim of increasing the number of employers in Scotland who are recognised for paying their staff the real Living Wage. Hosted by The Poverty Alliance, Living Wage Scotland works in partnership with the Living Wage Foundation and is funded by the Scottish Government.

We recognise and are committed to the Living Wage.  Being an accredited Living Wage employer demonstrates us as a responsible employer to our staff and networks.


Stonewall  Stonewall bronze employer 2022

We are committed to being a LGBTQ+ leader, creating an environment where all our employees can flourish and be free to be themselves. 

Please find more information on Stonewall Diversity here.


Investors in YP

We have been accredited by Investors in Young People (IiYP) – This is a National Award that recognises the important work that organisations do in assisting young people aged 5 to 25 gain employability skills and who assist them into the world of work.

The IiYP Award recognises and celebrates the important work that the Care Inspectorate has invested in to help young people prepare for future employment and assist them in making their career choice.

Investors in Young People is the only people management standard that focuses on an employer’s recruitment and retention of young people. We are committed to working closely with Skills Development Scotland to offer modern apprenticeship.  This represents a true commitment as an employer to the training and development of young people. 


plain english logo

The Plain English Campaign recognise organisations and individuals who have genuinely made an effort to present themselves using clear and concise English.  Our organisation is committed to providing public information as clear as possible.


  Bereavement Charter logo

Our organisation is committed to providing an environment where people who are bereaved feel supported by the people around them.

Scotland’s first Bereavement Charter for Children and Adults was launched in April 2020.  The Care Inspectorate are proud to have been involved alongside other organisations in the development of the Bereavement Charter. 

It contains thirteen statements which describe what the best bereavement care and support should look like.  It has been developed to support individuals and communities who struggle with the death of someone they know or someone in their community.  The charters is designed to help us understand not only the importance of bereavement support, but what that support needs to look like and attempts to describe what good bereavement support can look like and what difference it can make.  It is hoped that the Charter will help us as a nation become more effective at supporting people to grieve.

Please find more information about the Bereavement Charter here


Carer Positive LEVELS LOGOS RGB established linear 

We are proud to announce that we are an Established Carers Positive organisation.  We are committed to providing a working environment where carers are valued and supported.  Carer Positive is funded by the Scottish Government award that is awarded to employers who can provide evidence that they meet criteria in five areas.

  • Identification of carers
  • Policy
  • Workplace support
  • Communication, awareness raising and training
  • Peer support

Please find more information about Carer Positive here.


Happy To Talk Flexible Working.

Committed to discussing alternative working patterns.

Please find more information about happy to talk flexible working here.


YPG Main Logo Colour Web

We are committed to working with partner organisations to connect 16-24 years olds with opportunities within our workforce.

The Young Person’s Guarantee aims to connect every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to an opportunity.  This could be a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training or volunteering.  It could also be an enterprise opportunity.

We recognise our vital role in creating opportunities for Young People as they prepare for and take their first steps into the world of work.