The Chair and the members of our board set the strategic direction of the Care Inspectorate, taking into account legislation and policy guidance set by the Scottish Government. Each member of the Board brings a wealth of experience and wide-ranging skills, along with a passionate interest in social care. Read our Board members biographies below.

The Care Inspectorate’s Board and Committee cycle runs from 1 April to 31 March each year.  Our public Board meetings are held at least four times a year and members of the public are welcome to join us at these meetings. You can download a copy of the papers from our Board meetings. The minutes of Board meetings do not appear within the published papers until after they have been approved. 

Our public Board meeting dates for 2024/25 are:

  • 9 May 2024
  • 15 August 2024
  • 14 November 2024
  • 13 February 2025

All meetings run from 10:30-13:00. 

The meeting is open to members of the public to join, as observers only, via Microsoft Teams video-conference. In order to enable members of the public to join for the public business of the meeting, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than seven calendar days prior to the date of the meeting. In this event, in providing your email address you are consenting for us to use your contact details to invite you to the Teams meeting for the duration of the Board proceedings that are being held in public. Please note that members of the public and representatives of the press who attend a meeting of the Care Inspectorate Board will do so in an observer-only capacity, and may not participate in the meeting unless invited to do so by the Chair. If you do not have a Microsoft Teams account, you can find instructions on how to join here. Papers for our Board meetings will normally be published seven days in advance of the date of the meeting and will be available to view here.

Read the Board’s Code of Conduct and the register of members interests 2025.

The Care Inspectorate has two committees which meet on a quarterly basis and report to our Board. These are: 

Audit and Risk Committee

This committee supports the Board in its responsibilities for issues of risk, control and governance and associated assurance through a process of constructive challenge. The Committee meetings are not held in public, but the approved minutes of these can be viewed here

Finance and Resources Committee

This committee was formed in late 2024 and is responsible for advising the Board on a range of strategies, policies and plans related to finance, budget, staff and resources. These meetings are not held in public but the approved minutes can be viewed here.

Board image for web and intranet


Doug Moodie, Chair

Doug Moodie has Chaired the Board of the Care Inspectorate since 1 September 2022.

Doug has been a Chartered Certified Accountant since 1994, and a Management Consultant since 2012, working in senior roles and leading teams across a range of sectors. Doug brings experience from a variety of different businesses that he has established, which include early years childcare, property management and private equity.

Doug is currently a Chair of Falkirk Children’s Panel, Chair of Clackmannanshire Business Improvement District (BID), and Chair of Bfriend in South Ayrshire.

Naghat Ahmed

Naghat is a Law and Accountancy graduate. Her current role at Glasgow City Council includes corporate policy, programme and project management. She has previously worked on policy and strategy development, equality and diversity, change management, corporate governance and utilising project methodologies.

She previously worked in the Commission for Racial Equality and NHS24, specialising in equality and diversity. Naghat is a carer for relatives who have disabilities.

Since 2018 Naghat has also been a member of the Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland and since September 2021 has been a non-executive member for Social Security Scotland.

Carole Wilkinson

Carole Wilkinson was appointed to the Chair of Healthcare Improvement Scotland in October 2018, for a term of four years and was appointed for a further four years from October 2022. She is a former Non-Executive member of NHS Education for Scotland and a former Chair of the Board of Scottish Children's Reporter Administration. She was also Chief Executive of the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) from 2001-2009, establishing the organisation and overseeing the implementation of the regulation and registration of social services workers.

Before moving to the SSSC, Carole held the post of Director of Housing and Social Work for Falkirk Council and during her career has held a number of senior management posts in England and also spent a period in higher education teaching social workers and social care staff. She has also served on a number of Scottish Government working groups advising on workforce development matters and on future workforce needs and how health and social care staff could be supported to work and learn together.

Carole was elected Vice Chair of the NHS Chairs Group in May 2021 and took up the role of Chair of the NHS Chairs Group in August 2023.

Dr Bill Maxwell

Bill has extensive experience of developing quality improvement strategies for national education systems and leading public sector reform. After working as an educational psychologist, Bill joined the Scottish Education Inspectorate in 1994. Following a range of roles and a two-year secondment to the Scottish Government, Bill was appointed as HM Chief Inspector of Education for Wales in 2008.

He returned to Scotland as HM Chief Inspector of Education for Scotland in 2010 and shortly afterwards was appointed as Chief Executive to lead the creation of Education Scotland, a new public service improvement agency which brought the functions of an inspectorate together with a wider range of services to promote national improvement and the effective delivery of the Government’s major reform programmes in education. Bill retired from Education Scotland in 2017 and is now consulting on education quality assurance, including projects for the European Commission and the OECD in Europe and the Middle East.    

Bill is a Board member of OSCR, the Scottish Charity Regulator, and a Director of the High School of Dundee.

Rognvald Johnson

Rognvald commenced his career working for The Royal Bank of Scotland, serving in a number of branches/departments, including the Bank’s Internal Audit Department, before retiring as Senior Manager for the Orkney Branches. After a spell working at Orkney College as Development Officer, he was engaged as Project Director, successfully developing and delivering a Business Improvement District in Kirkwall. Rognvald was appointed as a Non- Executive Director with NHS Orkney in July 2012 until June 2018, during which time he served as Chair of the Finance and Performance Committee, as well as Vice Chair of the Audit Committee. During the latter part of his term, Rognvald represented NHS Orkney on Orkney Integrated Joint Board, responsible for the provision of Health and Care in the County, also serving on its Audit Committee.

Rognvald is also a Director on the Board of Orkney Hyperbaric Trust, a Charity Registered in Scotland, and which provides decompression facilities, if required, to divers.

Rona Fraser

Rona has over 30 years of experience as a social worker and manager within the field of criminal justice social work. Her commitment to partnership working, the values of social work and public service remain as strong now as when she started working as a social worker. She was formerly the Senior Manager for Community Justice for the City of Edinburgh Council. She has a particular interest in cross-cutting issues such as domestic abuse, women in the criminal justice system and the development of trauma informed services and leadership and has had a key role in developing services in these areas. She has also had extensive experience of the risk assessment and management of offenders, including establishing the Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements within Edinburgh, working closely with partners across key agencies.

In 2023, Rona was appointed as a member of the Scottish Advisory Panel on Offending Reduction.

Professor Paul Gray

Paul is an experienced senior executive leader at CEO level. He places a strong emphasis on ethical and compassionate leadership, transparency and collaborative working. Committed to public accountability, he is experienced in leading delivery and change in complex systems and has had significant exposure to scrutiny in highly visible and politically contested sectors. Paul is currently an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, a Senior Faculty Member at the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh), Scotland’s member of council at the Open University, a Civil Service Commissioner, and a Board member of the Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland. He is also a Senior Adviser to strategic communications firm Charlotte Street Partners, Patron of Medics Against Violence, and a coach and mentor to a number of senior executives.

From December 2013 to February 2019, Paul was Chief Executive NHS Scotland and Director General for Health and Social Care in the Scottish Government, responsible for the delivery of health and care services through 22 Health Boards, and partner organisations, with accountability for an annual budget of £13bn and a staffing complement of around 160,000.

Charlotte Armitage

Charlotte is a recent graduate of the University of Glasgow. She obtained her History and Sociology MA with a first-class classification in June 2024. She has just started her MSc in Museum Studies also at the University of Glasgow.

Aside from her passion for history, Charlotte brings to the Board her extensive knowledge of the care system in Scotland gained from her own lived experience, as well as five years of professional experience within the third sector, having previously worked for Who Cares? Scotland. This is further strengthened by her experience as a former consultant for CELCIS and The National Leadership Network, and as a previous group member of the Workforce focus group of the Independent Care Review.

This knowledge ranges from a deep understanding of local delivery through her work with East Lothian Champions’ Board, to high-level project development skills that have seen internationally recognised campaigns emerge; as well as legislative and policy changes, such as the guaranteed offer to university for Care Experienced applicants and the extension of free childcare for Care Experienced parents, implemented under her leadership during her time working for Who Cares? Scotland.

These skills and experience are further complemented by her five years of professional experience working for the Scottish Parliament and the House of Commons, which have provided her an in-depth understanding of the political landscape and its functions in the United Kingdom.

Audrey Cowie

Audrey is a trustee and governor at St Columba’s Hospice Care in Edinburgh. She has also held non-executive director roles with the Scottish Social Services Council and the General Teaching Council for Scotland. Audrey is a first level registered nurse with over 40 years experience and was appointed in May 2022 as the nurse to sit on the Care Inspectorate Board. During her career, Audrey has held senior managerial roles in the NHS; advisory roles in Scottish Government; and regulatory and quality assurance roles nationally, regionally and locally.

Audrey has extensive experience in the professional regulation of nurses and other professions, and in the scrutiny and improvement agenda in both Scotland and Europe and has an enduring personal professional interest in governance, regulation, scrutiny and inspection.

Maria McGill

Maria McGill has 40 years’ experience as a nurse, leader and Chief Executive working in the NHS and voluntary sector.

For the last 10 years of her career Maria was Chief Executive of Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS), Scotland’s only children’s hospice organisation.

Maria is also a member of The Promise Scotland Oversight Board, a Trustee of Marie Curie UK and a Non-Executive Director of NHS NSS.

Rosanna Moore

Rosie Moore is a qualified Social Worker with First Class Honours from the University of Strathclyde. Having grown up in care herself, she has a particular passion for working with looked after children and young people and their families.

In 2017, Rosie was nominated by the Coalition of Care Providers Scotland to become a Discovery Group member for the Independent Care Review. She was then asked to stay on for the duration of the Review, becoming a co-chair of the working group for LOVE and latterly as the participation lead for those with seldom heard voices and young people in secure care.

Rosie is currently at the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection (CELCIS), where she has worked for several years, with a focus on social policy and participation of those with lived experience.

Rosie has won several awards for her work in the sector, including Young Scot’s 30under30 and Strathclyde’s Women in Leadership. Rosie also holds positions on the Management Group of the Each and Every Child Initiative and as a Board Member for Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare (STAF).

Edward McGrachan

Ed McGrachan has had an international career in IT, Telecommunications and Business Transformation, with time spent working for Nortel Networks and BT on major projects in North America, Continental Europe and the UK. He also served as Non-Executive Board Member and Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee at the Student Awards Agency Scotland, with board oversight of the digital transformation of systems and processes aligning with the Scottish Government’s Digital First strategy.

Ed has worked with various public and charitable organisations; Member of the Diocesan Board of Education for the Church of England in Devon; Treasurer of Citizen Advice in Devon and elected Lead Governor of South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust; providing him with a broad spectrum of Governance experience. He was appointed Chairman of the Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committee for West Scotland, a Non-Departmental Public Body working across both devolved and reserved Government sectors in support of Veterans issues.

Currently, he serves as Non-Executive Member at Glasgow Colleges Regional Board, where he chairs the Audit and Assurance Committee. He is an Appointed Member on the Partnership Board of Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, where he is a member of the Strategy and Programmes Committee, and the Audit and Standards Committee.

Jennifer Marshall

Jenny Marshall is an experienced unpaid carer who has spent the past 11 years managing a team of carers in her family home to provide high-quality care for her disabled son. She is a strong advocate for inclusion and equality, and she has a passion for promoting excellent care standards for all.

Jenny was the founder director of Mecoco, a social enterprise that provided disabled adults and young people with valuable workplace experience. In addition, she has extensive experience in residential dementia care and community brokerage.

Jenny is now Head of Operations for the Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living. Through her work, Jenny is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those around her.

Peter Murray

Peter Murray has been appointed as Interim Convener of the Scottish Social Services Council with effect from 1 October 2024. He was appointed as SSSC Council Member in September 2019, for a term of three years and was appointed for a further three years from September 2022.  

Peter has extensive governance experience having served as a board member of NHS Lothian for eight years, finishing his second term in 2024 as Vice Chair. Peter is currently the Chair of Bon Accord Care an adult social care provider in Aberdeen. Peter is also a member of the Judiciary Advisory Board for Scotland.

Peter has considerable experience in leadership and management from his 30 years in the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. He retired as an assistant Chief Fire Officer in 2016. Peter has a MA in Political Studies from Aberdeen University.