Job title: Improvement Adviser - (Grade 7) – Quality Improvement Support Team (QIST)
Job location: National (based from any Care Inspectorate Office)
Reporting to: Senior Improvement Adviser/Quality Improvement Manager
Principal working contacts
- Senior Improvement Adviser
- Quality Improvement Support Team Manager
- Head of Quality Improvement Support & Participation
- Quality Improvement Support Team
- Chief Inspectors, Service Managers, Team Managers and Inspectors
- Policy Team
- Participation and Equalities Team
- Internal and External Communications Team
- Organisational and Workforce Team
- Scottish Government policy leads
- Service providers and care service staff
- Other regulatory, scrutiny and improvement bodies
- NHS boards, staff and agencies, local authorities, and integrated joint boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships
- Members of the public and other stakeholders
Job purpose
Working with the Senior Improvement Adviser, as part of the Quality Improvement Support Team (QIST), the post holder will develop and embed quality improvement methodology within the Care Inspectorate and externally with providers of social care organisations. This will be in line with the Quality Improvement and Participation Strategy, the yearly Quality Improvement Plan and collective and individual workplan priorities, which support improved outcomes for people experiencing care and services commissioned by community planning partnerships.
The post holder will provide internal and external professional leadership and expert consultancy on all aspects of quality improvement, developing and maintaining networks of specialist quality improvement advice and knowledge with access to specific subject matter expertise.
Key responsibilities
- To link into the Care Inspectorate’s, Quality Improvement and Participation Strategy and Quality Improvement Support Team (QIST) to advise and upskill staff on quality improvement methodology, quality improvement science, quality improvement tools and delivery of improvement support across the organisation and directorates and externally in the care sector.
- To develop quality improvement support resources and materials for use by inspectors and in care services and support further development and implementation of national strategies and initiatives using the Model for Improvement. For example, in areas such as falls prevention and management, Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) and Children and Young People (CYP), Adult Services and others as required.
- To be an active member of the team that deliver the Care Home Improvement Programme (CHIP).
- To develop and maintain the relationships with improvement bodies to co-create developments in quality improvement support relevant to social care, sharing effective practice and avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort for the benefits of people experiencing social care services.
- To provide expert advice and guidance to internal and external stakeholders on quality improvement including participating in expert groups related to the work of the Care Inspectorate.
- To ensure that internal and external quality improvement support advice is sector specific.
- To develop effective quality improvement support interventions and materials for use by inspectors and care services.
- To ensure that lessons learned in the wider health and social care arena that avoid harm and improve outcomes for people are learned.
- To keep up to date with current research and share evidence from research, quality improvement methodologies and expert advice with providers and partnerships in order to improve practice and achieve good outcomes for people experiencing care.
- To analyse data to identify trends that may have an impact on the outcome for people experiencing care to focus quality improvement support activity.
- To contribute to delivering the Care Inspectorate’s Corporate Plan.
- To carry out any other reasonable tasks necessary to support the Care Inspectorate’s business.
Relationship management
- Work with the Senior Improvement Adviser, QIST Manager and senior managers to develop and facilitate a comprehensive approach to relationship management between the Care Inspectorate and various parts of the Health and Social Care sectors. Ensure effective communication of the Care Inspectorate’s quality improvement support offer in social care to practitioners and managers in the health sector.
- Demonstrate a commitment to the Care Inspectorate’s aims, vision and values and to the Care Inspectorate’s overall objective of improving care in Scotland.
- Carry out your duties in accordance with our Health and Safety policies, procedures, guidance, practices and legislative requirements, taking reasonable care for your safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or fail to do while at work.
Other duties
This job may require extensive travel and involve overnight stays. This job profile is a broad picture of the post at the date of preparation. It is not an exhaustive list of all possible duties, and it is recognised that jobs change and evolve over time. Consequently, the post holder will be required to carry out any other duties to the equivalent level that are necessary to fulfil the purpose of the job, and to respond positively to changing business needs.
The post holder will be expected to work autonomously in the main but also within a group, with agreed priorities and objectives. Objectives for this post will be agreed jointly with the relevant line manager and director and will be reviewed on a regular basis.