National Care Standards Review - Update Bulletin (February 2017)

The latest Update bulletin on the progress towards the development of new National Care Standards - or the new National Health and Social Care Standards as they are called - has been published:

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Practice Guide to Chronologies published

We have now published Practice Guide to Chronologies. This guide is a revision of and replaces Practice Guide: Chronologies, published by the Social Work Inspection Agency in 2010.

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Care Inspectorate support for Scottish Care Leavers Covenant

The Care Inspectorate has signed up to support the Scottish Care Leavers Covenant. The Covenant calls on all corporate parents and others with an interest in Scotland’s care leavers

• to endorse the principles of the Covenant.
• to commit to working for real change in the lives of care experienced young people.
• to improve their support, opportunities and outcomes.

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MHRA Alerts

The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have published the following alerts: 

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Ready to Read

Encouraging children to develop language skills, read, and enjoy books at an early age is vital – and the earlier the better.

That’s the message from Scotland’s nursery inspectors as they back a campaign to improve children’s early language skills .

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