Tax-Free Childcare: Budget announcement
As the Chancellor confirmed in the Budget, Tax-Free Childcare will shortly be rolling out. This follows the completion of the current trial, through which the service is being tested with parents.
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Lead in drinking water
In Scotland, lead does not occur naturally in significant concentrations in our water supplies. The problem arises when drinking water comes into contact with lead supply pipes, lead tanks, lead solder joints on copper pipes, or inferior quality brass fittings and taps, particularly for longer periods (e.g. overnight/weekends/holiday periods). This can result in high lead levels in the drinking water supply.
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Joint inspection of services for older people in Orkney
Health and social care services in Orkney are delivering good outcomes for many older people, but improvements are also needed in some key areas.
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Paul Edie has been reappointed as Chair of the Care Inspectorate’s board
His reappointment was announced today by Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Shona Robison. He was first appointed in 2013.
From 2007 to 2011, he served as convenor of the City of Edinburgh Council’s health, social care and housing committee, and as a non-executive director ofNHS Lothian. He was also a member of the Lothian and Border Community Justice Partnership.
Prior to becoming a full-time councillor, Mr Edie worked with the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service.
Mr Edie said: “I’m delighted to be reappointed as Chair of the Care Inspectorate’s board.
“Almost everyone will use a care service at some point in their life and the Care Inspectorate exists to ensure those services are of the highest quality.
“Hundreds of thousands of people across Scotland experience care every day, and I look forward to working with the Care Inspectorate Board and staff to ensure their needs, rights and choices are central to everything we do.”
The Chair and the eleven members of the board set the strategic direction of the Care Inspectorate, taking into account legislation and policy guidance set by the Scottish Government.
Each member of the board brings a wealth of experience and wide-ranging skills, along with a passionate interest in social care.
Public board meetings are held at least four times a year and members of the public are welcome to attend.
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Keeping active in care
Older people in care homes across Scotland are set to benefit from a programme to boost physical activity.
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