GTC Scotland - Vacancy Opportunity

The General Teaching Council for Scotland are advertising for the post of Senior Education Officer (National Race Diversity Lead) - further information can be found here.

The closing date for applications is 09:00 Monday 13 December 2021.

Interviews are expected to take place in January 2022.

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Join the Iriss Board

Iriss is a charity that works with social work and social care to create positive change in Scotland. To do that they provide expert knowledge, facilitation, evidence and practice guidance.

Iriss is seeking Board Members to help navigate one of the biggest changes to the way they work - The National Care Service.

Furthere information, and an information pack with details on how to apply, can be found here.

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Joint inspection of adult support and protection in Dumfries and Galloway

A joint inspection of adult support and protection measures in Dumfries and Galloway has found clear strengths in ensuring adults at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported.

However, inspectors also identified areas which could further improve.

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Chair of the National Bairns’ Hoose Governance Group

Scottish Ministers are looking to appoint a Chair to the National Bairns’ Hoose Governance Group and would welcome applications from those who can provide leadership to help deliver on a key Programme for Government commitment.

This position is currently being advertised with a closing date for applications of 6 December. Further information and how to apply can be accessed through these links to the Job Advert and Applicant Information Pack.

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International Stop Pressure Ulcer Day

It is believed that most but not all pressure ulcers are preventable and, like many conditions, early recognition and action can prevent things getting worse.

International STOP Pressure Ulcer Day was launched in 2011 following the declaration of Rio (2011) where pressure ulcer prevention was described as a universal human right. STOP The Pressure is now a huge international campaign and healthcare professionals from all over the world contribute to raising awareness in their places of work, on social media and through virtual channels. STOP The Pressure Day is Thursday 18th November this year although people often raise awareness for a full week or indeed the full month of November.

The Tissue Viability Society have created a web page which shows you can support STOP The Pressure Day on scoial media. 

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