A joint inspection of services in the East Renfrewshire community planning partnership has found consistent clear strengths in ensuring children and young people at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported, with no significant areas for improvement identified.
Inspectors noted that staff recognised and responded quickly to concerns raised about children and young people at risk of harm. Very effective collaborative early interventions were preventing risk from escalating.
Children and young people at risk of harm were benefiting from high quality assessments, plans and support from a wide range of services. These were impacting positively on their safety and wellbeing.
The safety and wellbeing of children and young people who were at risk of harm was improving as a result of the caring relationships they had with key members of staff. Children and young people were listened to and respected.
Children and young people at risk of harm and their families were actively participating and influencing service planning, delivery and improvement.
The partnership was successfully using data and quality assurance information to inform and support decision making, service planning and delivery. This helped to identify emerging risks and inform future priorities.
The partnership was providing strong and effective leadership and shared a very strong vision for children and young people. This continued throughout the Covid-19 pandemic ensuring appropriate supports reached the families who were in most need.
The partnership has a strong track record of continuous development and improvement of its services. Focused plans were in place to support improvements and build on achievements. They had realistic goals and strong measures in place to monitor progress with clear timescales.
Edith Macintosh, interim Chief Executive of the Care Inspectorate, said: “We are confident that the lives of children and young people at risk of harm in East Renfrewshire are improving as a result of services delivered by the partnership. We are confident that partners have the capacity to build on their achievements and strengthen service delivery. We did not identify any notable gaps in services. Nor did we identify any significant areas for improvement during the inspection.
“The children and young people’s services plan and the child protection committee business plan are the partnership’s key improvement documents. They are focussed, have realistic targets and timescales. The partnership has oversight as part of the quality assurance process. The Care Inspectorate will continue to engage with the partnership and offer support for continued improvement through our link inspector arrangements.”
The full report can be read here.
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