Provider and services template

Published: 03 May 2023

Provider and services template


Downloads: 3006

Review of social work governance and assurance in Scotland

Published: 09 July 2024

On 15 July 2024 we notified all local authorities and health and social care partnerships across Scotland of our intention to undertake a national thematic review of social work governance and assurance arrangements.

The review is being carried out between July and December 2024 and a national report will be published in March 2025. The legislative basis for the review is S.53 of the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010.

Through the review we will answer these questions.

How well do social work governance and assurance arrangements support leaders to:

  • Ensure statutory duties are carried out safely and effectively?
  • Enable social work staff to be supported, accountable and effective in their practice?
  • Assist social work staff to uphold core social work values?

We will span all areas of statutory social work including adults, children and justice social work services and will cover all local authority areas in Scotland. 

The review will include: a review of documents, a national staff survey, interviews with key leaders from across Scotland and a range of focus groups with middle and senior managers.

Review timeline

webpage graphic

More information about the review can be found in the following links:


Downloads: 3001

Update - September 2023

Published: 05 September 2023

What we have done so far

Following the notification of the thematic review, we issued a survey to social work teams across Scotland.  By mid- august we had received responses from all 32 local authority areas.  We are now looking at the information from the survey.  This is helping us to build a picture about social work’s contribution to how well disabled children and young people’s needs are assessed, planned for, and met.

We have been reading national reports and research to find out what disabled children and young people have already said what is important to them, and about their experiences of support.

Conversations with our key stakeholders, are helping us to develop our ideas about our engagement approaches with children and young people.  We are keen that we explore opportunities to ensure that our approach is rights based, accessible and is inclusive.

We will use all the information we have gathered so far to help us identify our focus during the next stage.

Next steps

Four areas have volunteered to help us better understand children and young people’s experiences and the difference social work services are making to their lives.  We are pleased to welcome them to this next stage of the review.  The areas are:

  • Aberdeen city
  • Dundee city
  • Dumfries and Galloway
  • Na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles)

We will be working with these social work teams from September 2023 to March 2024.

More information can be found on our website here.

If you have any questions for the review team, they can be contacted via email on:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We’d like to thank everyone who has been involved in this review.

Downloads: 2947

Care experienced young people thematic review

Published: 30 April 2024

Exploring the delivery, experience and impact of services when young people are planning to leave care and after they have moved on.

The Care Inspectorate has now published a final report of a thematic review in relation to the experience of young people in throughcare and aftercare. 

The review reports on how well services were supporting young people and making sure that their rights were respected. We were specifically interested in how young people were supported as they planned for leaving care and after they had moved on. These services were supporting young people with housing, health or in relation to education or employment. They were also working with young people who had decided to stay put, including young people in continuing care. At the heart of our approach was ensuring that we elevated the voice of people with lived experience of these services.   

Earlier in 2024 a ‘national survey’ was sent to all local authority areas in Scotland. It provided a wealth of information that helped us to direct the next stages of the review. We particularly welcomed the good practice examples that were highlighted and we have referenced these in our final report. 

In August and September we were able to take a closer look in four participating areas. In August, the review team met with lead professionals for five young people in each area to read records. In September, we had two weeks of local engagement where we met young people and staff. Alongside this, a survey was open for young people and frontline staff. 

Thank you to the young people and the staff who supported them from the four areas that participated in this review - Shetland, Edinburgh, North Lanarkshire and Dumfries and Galloway. We really appreciated the time they took to complete our survey and to meet us in person. Thank you also to the young people in our regulated housing support services who completed the young people’s survey.

The final report was published on 5 November 2024 and we will be hosting an online event to present the findings from the review.

In the video below, Rania Hamad, strategic inspector, shares the key messages from our review of transitions for care experienced young people in the four areas that participated in the review.

More information about this review can be found in the following links: 

Downloads: 2672

More information about the review

Published: 01 May 2024

Exploring the delivery, experience and impact of services when young people are planning to leave care and after they have moved on.

We have now completed a thematic review of the experiences of young people leaving care in Scotland and the extent to which their rights are upheld.  The review was started in April 2024 and a final report was published on the 5 November 2024.

In 2021, the A Way Home Coalition published  Youth Homeless Prevention Pathway: Improving Care Leavers Housing Pathways. This paper highlighted the need for equality in provision of aftercare services, the importance of pathway planning and of reducing risks and crises for young people in Scotland. The following recommendation was made:

The Scottish Government should work with the Care Inspectorate to develop and undertake robust thematic integrated reviews of ‘transition services’ involving key stakeholders and providers (such as housing and accommodation and further and higher education) and Aftercare engagement up to 26.

Purpose of the review 

The review focussed on the experiences of young people aged between 16 and 26 who are, or have been, formally looked after and accommodated in foster care or care homes for children and young people. We were committed to seeking the views of young people about how they felt their rights were being upheld. It was carried out under Section 53 of the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010.

The review aimed to establish the following:

  • The extent to which young people and their families are actively and meaningfully involved in all decisions about their continued care and have effective opportunities to influence service design and development.
  • The extent to which young people’s lives are improving through high quality assessment, planning and support which enables them to live in stable and suitable accommodation which is right for them.
  • How leaders ensure the effective delivery of services for young people who are either continuing to be cared for or are leaving care.

Although the statutory duties rest with the local authorities, the review took account of the roles of children’s services planning partners.

We have conducted the review in two phases.

Phase 1

  • was based on self-reported information (through a ‘national survey’) provided by leaders and staff with responsibility for corporate parenting, and the local champions’ boards (or equivalent) of all 32 local authorities. 
  • we undertook a literature review, including national research and publications, and additional published reports.
  • we gathered feedback from focus groups with scrutiny partners, a professional interest group and regulated care service inspectors.
  • we also took account of relevant national data. 

Phase 2

We offered children’s services partnerships in four local authority areas the opportunity to take part in phase two to support their development in this part of their work and help us better understand the experiences of young people in their area. Our intention was that these four areas would support our work in phase two which was made up of the following key elements:

  • a focused meeting with the lead professionals for five selected young people in each area: combining a case discussion with access to records.
  • individual meetings with the five young people
  • focus groups of senior leaders, champions boards and corporate parenting boards.
  • a review of relevant local documentation.


The thematic review concluded with the publication of a single national overview report, with individual feedback also given to each of the four participating areas.  While we were not evaluating partnerships on their performance, we have reported on what is working well across Scotland.  We have also reported on the current challenges for transition services; drawing on the perspectives of young people, families, and staff supporting care experienced young people.

The lead for this review was Jackie Deas, supported by Elena Mills, Strategic Support Officer.

Downloads: 2606

Inspections overview

Published: 13 April 2022

Inspection types

Our specific inspection focus and programme at any one time is agreed with the Scottish Government and published in the Care Inspectorate’s Scrutiny, Assurance and Improvement Plan. We take a number of different approaches to inspection, designed to meet different scrutiny objectives. These include, but are not limited to:

Inspections and joint Inspections: inspections of individual local authorities or partnerships in relation to key priority areas. Local authorities are identified for inspection based on a combination of risk assessment and rotation of scrutiny activity.

Progress reviews: return visits to a local authority or partnership to check progress following a previous inspection and set of recommendations. Progress reviews are usually (but not always) carried out where the original inspection identified significant areas for improvement.

Thematic reviews/inspections: inspections carried out in a limited number of local authority or partnership areas to explore a particular area of policy or practice that is of national interest. These reviews may or may not evaluate the performance of individual authorities or partnerships but are primarily designed to explore the national picture relating to a given theme and make national recommendations.

Supported self-evaluations: we are always keen to support and encourage self-evaluation. We may at times work proactively with identified local authorities and partnerships to support and validate their self-evaluation of particular areas of activity.

Inquiries: this approach uses an abbreviated approach to explore a particular theme or issue across the country. It is usually designed as a discrete piece of work, carried out over a relatively short time to produce a quick report that provides insight into the key issues relating to the theme.

Inspection teams

Our inspection teams have an inspection lead with responsibility for effectively delivering and concluding the individual inspection. The lead is supported by a deputy lead and a team of inspectors drawn from the Care Inspectorate and relevant partner scrutiny bodies. Our inspections may be supported by associate assessors and people with lived experience (inspection volunteers). The administration and organisation of inspection activities is managed by a team of strategic support officers.

The size of an inspection team will be determined by the scope, methodology and planned length of the inspection. Sometimes, additional resources may be allocated for specific parts of the inspection. However, most inspections will have a core team of between six and 10 members.

How resources are deployed across the different activities of the inspection, and the timing of activities, is captured on a plan that we call the inspection footprint.

Inspection methodology

For each set of inspections, we develop a quality framework (QIF). The quality framework outlines what we expect the quality of the service provided to be. The frameworks we use in our strategic inspection work are based on the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) excellence model, widely used by organisations for managing change and improving performance. The Health and Social Care Standards are woven throughout the quality indicators.

Overall, the QIF provides a model to support inspection. We examine:

  • performance and the outcomes that services achieve for the children and adults who use them
  • the processes that support service delivery
  • the vision, leadership, management and planning of services.

The quality frameworks are also available to local authorities & partnerships for them to use for self-evaluation purposes.

 Inspection activities

The activities carried out by inspection teams to gather information can differ across inspections. However, there are some activities which have been proven to consistently provide good information and are therefore used regularly as part of inspections. These include:

Information and communication

The local authority or partnership can expect to receive full information about the inspection.

Most inspections provide a written guidance document of some sort, explaining the various stages and activities of the inspection, along with timescales.

In most inspections, we ask the local authority or partnership to nominate a local co-ordinator to manage and co-ordinate the various activities for them.

Throughout the course of the inspection, there are pre-planned meetings between key members of the inspection team and the local authority or partnership. These may be called professional or partnership discussions. Their key functions are: for the inspection team to feedback on findings so far; for the local authority or partnership to reflect on those findings; for the parties to discuss arrangements and plans for the next phase of the inspection.


It is a priority for the Care Inspectorate to support local authorities and partnerships to evaluate their own progress. Most of our inspections ask the local authority or partnership to provide a position statement and supporting evidence at the beginning of the inspection to help inform the inspection team’s understanding and formulate lines of enquiry.

Talking to children and adults who use services

Understanding the experience of people who use social work and social care services is fundamental to inspection, and we use a range of methods to gather the views of both people and unpaid carers. These are likely to include surveys, interviews, events, focus groups, and a range of activities developed to support specific inspections.

Reviewing records

Reading the records of children and adults who use services (also known as file reading) is a rich source of evidence for the inspection teams and is a part of many inspections. It provides understanding of how processes work and gives a picture of how staff interact with people using services.

Support networks

As well as reading records, many inspections include further examination of the care and support journeys experienced by children and adults by meeting with the staff and other significant people who have been part of that journey. This means that inspectors are able to further explore questions that have arisen from reading case records.

Staff surveys

Many inspections include surveys issued to staff. The inspection team often requests the help of the local authority or partnership in distributing the survey and encouraging staff to respond. The arrangements for issuing the survey, and which staff should receive it, will be discussed with the inspection co-ordinator by the inspection lead and strategic support officer.

Interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders

Most inspections involve focus groups or interviews with key stakeholders, including staff, managers, senior leaders, representatives of other statutory and third sector organisations. Often this takes place towards the end of an inspection as it gives the inspection team a good opportunity to discuss themes and issues that have emerged during other inspection activities.

Inspection reports

Inspection teams use regular team meetings to identify and explore themes that emerge from inspection activities. We make sure that potential findings are triangulated and corroborated through a range of activities before accepting them.

Inspection reports for each strand of inspection activity are tailored to the requirements of that inspection, so there are differences between the reports produced by each strategic inspection team. There will also be differences in the reports produced by each team when they are working on different inspection themes.

However, in general, strategic inspection reports can be expected to contain:

  • a summary of key findings and/or strengths and areas for improvement
  • an analysis of the inspection findings based on the relevant quality framework
  • some form of evaluation of the local authority or partnership’s performance – which may or may not have grades attached
  • recommendations for action and/or improvement.

Quality Assurance

We aim to achieve a high quality for all our work and want it to have maximum value for all our stakeholders and help to improve the experience of people who use services. To help us achieve this, each inspection programme has a range of quality assurance arrangements:

Each programme has arrangements for review of the inspection approach and methodology which take account of the learning from each inspection while balancing the need for consistency. A key source of learning is from post inspection questionnaires and feedback from inspection leads and team members. All strategic scrutiny teams are represented on a forum to discuss potential improvements to inspection methodology from experiences across the different workstreams and promote consistency wherever possible. When reading the records of people who use services during inspection, a proportion of the sample is double read to ensure consistency of evaluations and we provide training for all record readers.

At the reporting stage of our inspections, inspection leads present their inspection team’s findings and draft report to a ‘quality and consistency’ panel with representation from each partner scrutiny body for discussion and comment. Reports are then issued to the area inspected for an accuracy check before final editing and publication.

Information governance

Our approach to processing personal data is set out in full in our organisational privacy notice.


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on social work and social care services across the country. Because of this, most of our strategic inspection work was paused between March 2020 and spring 2021. Since then, strategic inspections have recommenced with some adjustments to reflect the ongoing risks posed by covid-19 and the pressure on local authority and partnership services.

We continue to be responsive to the trends of the pandemic as we plan for and deliver inspection activities. We have also incorporated learning from the pandemic period in relation to our use of technology, and expect to be using a blend of onsite and distance approaches to carry out inspections moving forward.

Downloads: 2550

Temporary changes to variations during Covid-19

Published: 07 April 2022

Variation changes for care homes and care at home extended to April 2023

Social care continues to face challenges as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and we continue to support the care sector by adapting what we do, when needed.

To support services to provide support to a wider group of people, there will continue to be no requirement for providers to submit a variation for any care service type where:

  • a care home for older people is caring for youngeradults or vice versa
  • care at home services care for clients with different careneeds
  • there is a change of operationalhours.

This will continue until April 2023.

In these circumstances, there is no requirement to submit a variation form. Instead, you should simply confirm in writing through eForms, using the notification ‘Changes to service delivery’.

Within the notification, you should note what the change is and confirm the service can meet people’s care and welfare needs.

The notification will not trigger an inspection but may trigger contact from the inspector to discuss the changes you have put in place.

For care homes that are supporting people on an interim basis until care at home is available in their area, there is no requirement to notify the Care Inspectorate.  We will get this information from the oversight teams of homes being used in local areas.  

Downloads: 2548

Update - January 2024

Published: 10 January 2024

What we have done since our last briefing in September 2023

We have been working alongside the four areas that came forward to be part of more detailed work.

  • Aberdeen city
  • Dundee city
  • Dumfries and Galloway
  • Na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles)

We now have staff survey responses from these four areas.  We have reviewed these alongside all the evidence we gathered earlier this year from the national survey and our review of existing literature.

This has helped us develop our understanding of social work’s contribution to upholding the rights of disabled children and young people in Scotland. 

We have used our findings so far to help us plan our next steps and inform the key questions we will ask children, families and staff.

Our stakeholder community has continued to be involved, helping to shape our approach to engagement activities.   

Planning for our next steps is well underway in the four areas and we are grateful for all the time and effort they have already given to this review. 

thematic review timeline

Next steps

We are now entering the busiest stage of our review and will be working with our four areas on the following.

In January we will be reviewing 30 children’s social work’s records in each of the areas.  This will help us build our understanding of the effectiveness of assessments, plans and reviews in ensuring children benefit from the right help and the right time.  These records have been sampled randomly.

In January we will ask each of the four areas to share a video and information leaflet with children and their parents or carers to inform them of our review and invite them to become involved.

Between 22 January and 29 February we will open an electronic questionnaire for children and young people to complete online.  This will be one of a range of ways we will gather views directly from children and young people.  The arrangements for completing the questionnaire will be shared by each of the four local authorities.

In February we will be on-site in each of the four areas.  We want to gather the views of children and their parents or carers and the staff who work with them.  We will meet with children wherever they are most comfortable.  For some children this might be with friends or family.  For others it might be alongside workers who are important to them.  We hope the important people in children’s lives will help us to do this.  We will work alongside staff in each of the four areas to ensure we are inclusive and respect children’s rights in our approach.

If you have any questions for the review team, they can be contacted via email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We’d like to thank everyone who has been involved in this review.

Downloads: 2374
