New quality framework for support services (not care at home)

We have published the new quality framework for support services (not care at home). 

Since 1 April last year, we have been rolling out a revised methodology for inspecting care and support services.  The changes build on approaches we have introduced in the past three years: an emphasis on experiences and outcomes; proportionate approaches in services that perform well; shorter inspection reports; and a focus on supporting improvement in quality.

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Caution in Use Alert: Emerade

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency have issued a caution in use alert related to Emerade Pens (adrenaline auto-injector devices). The MHRA is advising that Emerade devices should not be recalled. Patients are advised to continue to follow existing advice to carry two in-date pens with them at all times. 

For more information see MHRA website.

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Arts in Care: Creative Opportunity for Scotland’s Care Homes


Arts in Care is an ambitious new project developed by Luminate in collaboration with the Care Inspectorate, Creative Scotland and the Baring Foundation. The aim of Arts in Care is to embed high quality arts in care activity across Scotland, with a long-term aim to build the skills, capacity and strength of both the arts and care sectors. Artist training and professional development will run alongside a creative programme for residents and staff in 30 care homes across Scotland.

Opportunity for Care Homes

We are now inviting care homes for older people to apply to take part in this project.

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Concert at the Park

Four care homes worked collaboratively to host 'Concert at the Park' at Duthie Park, Aberdeen in August. Hawkhill House, Torry Nursing Home, Laurels Lodge and Persley Castle wanted to share best practice on dementia care with each other. They also wanted to involve and engage their residents.

Between them, they came up with the idea of a concert!

An Elvis Presley Tribute Band was booked and 88 people attended. The home managers did presentations and everyone enjoyed singing and dancing to the music.

The concert was a success, with lots of positive feedback received from staff and residents.

The homes intend to continue to collaborate with each other by sharing their learning and hope to hold another concert next summer, possibly on a bigger scale with more homes involved.

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Joint inspection of services for children and young people in need of care and protection in Stirling

Inspectors have identified key strengths in the way children and young people in need of care and protection in Stirling are supported and cared for.

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