Consultation on the draft quality framework for early learning and childcare services

Our draft quality framework for early learning and childcare services is now available, you can access it here

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Press release: Livingston Nursing Home

A care home for older people in Livingston must make urgent improvements in the care experienced by vulnerable residents, inspectors have said.

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Blog: Our new improvement strategy helps us to realise world-class care for everyone

By Heather Edwards, Interim Head of Improvement Support

The Care Inspectorate is in a unique position in that we provide scrutiny and assurance and we have a formal responsibility for furthering improvements in the quality of care people experience. Our scrutiny work drives continuous improvement and acts as a diagnostic tool on which we can plan our improvement support activity which is integral to the Care Inspectorate’s core purpose and a key function.

Our first Improvement Strategy 2017-2019 set out our crucial role in supporting improvement as well as checking that these changes have a positive impact on outcomes for people. This strategy went beyond the traditional way of setting targets, recommendations or requirements and brings a systematic approach to realising improvement in the quality of care.

We are now building on the work from that strategy as we continue to embed the Health and Social Care Standards and the dynamic process of self-evaluation that leads to a culture of continuous improvement. So, I am delighted to introduce the refreshed Improvement Strategy 2019-2022, which supports our new Corporate Plan 2019-2022 and contributes to realising our vision and common purpose of world-class care for everyone in Scotland.

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New guidance for social care services for supporting people living with HIV in Scotland

New guidelines on how social care services and care homes can best support people living with HIV in Scotland will be launched at a seminar hosted by HIV Scotland in Edinburgh today. 

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The Care Inspectorate Statistical Summary Report for Quarter 2 of 2019/20

The Care Inspectorate Statistical Summary Report for Quarter 2 of 2019/20 has now been released.  This presents data on the number of registered care services, new registrations and cancellations, complaints about care services and quality theme grades all by care service type and or service sector.  This is updated on a quarterly basis.

All content is available under the Open Government License, unless otherwise stated. More information on this license is available here

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