Inspection of justice social work services in Inverclyde council

A report into how well community payback orders are implemented and managed in Inverclyde has been published by the Care Inspectorate.

Inspectors looked at how justice social work services in the area were delivering services for individuals who are, or have been, subject to community payback orders.

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A new Q Special Interest Group (SIG) – the Improvement Research Network

We would like to bring to your attention a new Q Special Interest Group (SIG) – the Improvement Research Network.  

This SIG has been established through Q and the Scottish Improvement Science Collaborating Centre (SISCC), to bridge the gap between academics in the fields of improvement and implementation science and improvement practitioners. The SIG will create a forum to enable cross-sectoral collaboration through the sharing of ideas, challenges and knowledge. 

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Integrating for Improvement: Expert Consultation & Method Development

Please see attached an invitation to participate in one of SISCC’s research projects that’s looking to develop a hybrid approach to improvement – using the best from the worlds of health services research and improvement practice. 

The team are hosting a Sandpit event, that will bring improvement practitioners, researchers, subject matter experts around stroke and patients and families together to explore issues around stroke rehabilitation.

They are trying to recruit social care practitioners who work with individuals and families after a stroke - who have experience of helping them get a blue badge, disability benefits, etc.  

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New quality framework for mainstream boarding schools and school hostels

We have published the new quality framework for mainstream boarding schools and school hostels. 

Since 1 April last year, we have been rolling out a revised methodology for inspecting care and support services.  The changes build on approaches we have introduced in the past three years: an emphasis on experiences and outcomes; proportionate approaches in services that perform well; shorter inspection reports; and a focus on supporting improvement in quality.

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