Peter Macleod appointed as Chair of the Technology Enabled Care Programme Board

Peter Macleod, Chief Executive of the Care Inspectorate, has been appointed as the Chair of the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Programme Board from August 2019. 

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Making the most of Attend Anywhere

Video Consulting clinics and services are being developed across the UK using Attend Anywhere.  With a principle of only asking people to travel where there is a clear benefit, this conference aims to showcase how Attend Anywhere / NHS Near Me clinics have transformed the way services are being delivered. 

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New resource Space to Grow: indoor/outdoor settings

We have developed a new resource on behalf of the Scottish Government.  The resource provides addition detail about indoor/outdoor settings to help with early learning and childcare expansion plans and to assist those looking to make improvements to their setting.  The resource is a tool to be used in conjunction with Space to Grow, Out to Play, My World Outdoors and the Practice Note: Early Learning and Childcare: Delivering High Quality Play and Learning Environments Outdoors.  

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Justice social work services in West Dunbartonshire council

A report has identified some important weaknesses in how well community payback orders are implemented and managed in the West Dunbartonshire Council area.

Inspectors looked at how justice social work services in the area were delivering services for individuals who are, or have been, subject to community payback orders. The inspection took place between February and March 2019. 

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Technology Enabled Care: Tests of Change 2019/20

Technology Enabled Care are inviting applicants to participate in their 2019/20 Tests of Change initiative. 

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