Getting ready for Near Me video consultation

Our improvement support team is calling all care homes to help them use the Near Me video consultation tool. Our inspectors have been trained in its use and will be able to use it for consultations with services.

Find out more here. 

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A joint message of support and recognition to all those working in frontline care across Scotland, from Peter Macleod chief executive of the Care Inspectorate and Dr Linda De Caestecker director of public health NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

These are challenging times for those in the caring professions and also for families worried about relatives in care homes or requiring care at home.  

There is great recognition of frontline staff in the NHS and it is important we remember that staff in care homes and caring for people at home are also showing the same commitment and dedication as they carry on with their jobs day by day.  We have seen wonderful examples of this in our joint work, and we urge society and the media to recognise the incredible job being done by everyone delivering care services across Scotland.

Right now, caring for our most vulnerable citizens has never been harder, yet all across Scotland, people working in care continue with professionalism and compassion that is truly humbling. 

Let us all thank these workers and ensure they get the appreciation and support they deserve.  

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Recall of Emerade 300microgram auto-injector pens

Pharmaswiss Česka republika s.r.o. (an affiliate of Bausch & Lomb UK Limited) is recalling all unexpired batches of Emerade 300 microgram auto-injectors (also referred to as pens) from patients due to an error in one component of the auto-injector believed to cause some pens to fail to activate and deliver adrenaline.  This is a recall for Emerade 300 microgram pens only. This is a different alert to that issued on 04 March 2020 for Emerade 150 microgram auto-injectors.
For more information visit here.

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Contingency notification arrangements during Covid-19

The Care Inspectorate understands that as a result of the current situation regarding Covid-19 that a number of registered care services will not be operational during this period. In normal circumstances, the Care Inspectorate requests that services submit a notification indicating where the service is ‘inactive’ for any length of time in certain circumstances and we note this formally on our systems.

In order to reduce further pressure on services and to give maximum flexibility to re-establish registered services as easily as possible the position is that any registered service not operating directly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic is not required to submit an application to become inactive during this period.

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Deferment of continuation of Registration Fees

The Care Inspectorate and Scottish Government recognise the financial and other pressures that providers of care services are currently under.  To support service providers and assist with alleviating cash flow problems service providers are encountering at this difficult time the Care Inspectorate will delay the collection of continuation of registration fees due by care services until July 2020. We will review this position again in June 2020 before any fee collections are made.

This will mean care service providers need not pay any balance of the fees due for the 2019/20 financial year until July 2020.

Service providers normally due to receive fee invoices in April 2020 will not receive an invoice for the 2020/21 financial year until July 2020 (position subject to review in June 2020).

We are happy to make arrangements with service providers that would prefer not to defer the balance of 2019/20 fees.  We are issuing more detailed guidance directly to care service providers.   

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