Testing for Covid-19 in social services – a message from the Care Inspectorate and the Scottish Social Services Council

The Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland are rolling out a Test and Protect programme, so you may be asked to take a Covid-19 test even if you have no symptoms. The testing aims to reduce transmission and protect vulnerable people receiving care.

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Care Inspectorate report to the Scottish Parliament on inspections 25 June

The Care Inspectorate has laid before the Scottish Parliament a report of inspections it has carried out in care services in the past two weeks.

This report covers inspections completed since the previous report submitted to Parliament on 10 June.

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Enriched model of psychological needs

Over the last few weeks, we have heard how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting the mental health of people who use care services, relatives and staff. By isolating or shielding in order to protect ourselves and others, we limit our opportunities to engage with people or activities that are important to us. This can undermine our psychological wellbeing and quality of life.

We have produced a poster which outlines the key elements of the ‘Enriched Model of Psychological Needs’. This can be used within care services to help staff consider what actions they could take to help promote better psychological outcomes for the people who use services, relatives, staff and themselves.  

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Statement on legal action, Home Farm Care Home, Skye

A spokesperson for the Care Inspectorate said: “The court has set a date for a further hearing”

“We continue to work closely with partners at NHS Highland and others to ensure people living at Home Farm experience safe care."

"We have noted some improvements in the quality of care experienced by residents at the home."

"However, our concerns remain and we are continuing to seek the cancellation of the providers registration through the court."

“We understand this is a difficult and distressing time for residents, their loved ones and staff at the home."

“However, our first priority must always be the health and wellbeing of residents and to ensure the provision of care is to a standard they have a right to expect."

"We are monitoring the situation in Home Farm closely and are visiting regularly to check on progress."

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Mental health matters

Staff at SAMH are continuing to support people’s mental health. 

John, a link worker from Aberdeen, makes time to call vulnerable local people to check on their wellbeing. John said: “In just a few short weeks, I have helped people to negotiate time off with their employer, sourced hearing aids for a woman who is hard of hearing and helped to rearrange non-essential health appointments. It feels good to know that I’ve been able to help these people during this difficult time.”


Noeleen, a support worker from Bearsden is registered blind. She’s been using her dressmaking skills to make facemasks for the people they support, as well as local staff.

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