Care Inspectorate report to the Scottish Parliament on inspections

Press Release

The Care Inspectorate has laid before the Scottish Parliament a report of inspections it has carried out in care services in the past two weeks.

This report covers inspections completed since the previous report submitted to Parliament on 19 August.

In order to robustly assess the arrangements put in place by care services to respond to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Care Inspectorate inspections place a particular focus on infection prevention and control, personal protective equipment and staffing in care settings.  

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Joint inspection report on services for children and young people in Midlothian

We have published our finding of a joint inspection of services for children and young people in Midlothian.

You can view the report here.


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Testing of staff – letter from the Scottish Government

The Scottish Government’s Interim Deputy Director for Health Performance and Delivery has issued a letter to all care home manages and chief executives about the testing of staff working in care homes.

You can read a copy of the letter here.

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Guidance on adult social care building-based day services

Further to  the letter from Jeane Freeman MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, and Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Children and Young People, of 3 August, published on the Scottish Government website, we would now like to draw your attention to the Guidance on adult social care building-based day services, published today.

In partnership with Shared Care Scotland, we have also produced an operational guide Back to Business - a guide for the reopening of day services for adults in Scotland

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The Care Inspectorate’s role, purpose and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Care Inspectorate has today published a report on its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The report is part of the Care Inspectorate’s submission to the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee. The committee is looking into the work of the Care Inspectorate in relation to adult social care as well as its role during, and response to, the Covid-19 pandemic.

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