Note to all childcare providers from the Scottish Government

The First Minister has announced that, following an increase in coronavirus (Covid-19) cases across Scotland and on the advice of her medical and scientific advisers, further measures were to be introduced across Scotland to slow the spread of Covid-19. The announcement by the First Minister has no effect on current childcare arrangements and childcare providers should continue to operate in accordance with the current guidance.

The Scottish Government Early learning and childcare directorate has issued a letter outlining this to all childcare providers. 

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Winter planning for care homes

Care Inspectorate chief executive Peter Macleod has written about winter planning during the pandemic in a letter for care home providers. You can read the letter here.

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FN report

Care Inspectorate report to the Scottish Parliament on inspections, 30 September 2020.

The Care Inspectorate has laid before the Scottish Parliament a report of inspections it has carried out in care services in the past two weeks.

This report covers inspections we have completed since those detailed in our previous report to parliament of 16 September 2020.

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Drug alert: Boots Dermacare

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency have issued a drug alert concerning a batch of Boots Dermacare 1% w/w Hydrocortisone Ointment. The affected batch is recalled as a precautionary measure. This product is only sold or dispensed from Boots stores and Boots online pharmacy. 

For more information please visit here

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whistleblowing report cover

Whistleblowing disclosure report 2019-20

We have just published our whistleblowing disclosure report 2019-20.

You can download a copy of the report from the publications and statistics area.

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