Talking to children about coronavirus

If a child in your care is anxious or worried about coronavirus (Covid-19), the NSPCC have advice to help you support them and keep them safe. For more information visit the NSPCC website here or call 0808 800 5000.

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Information for private and third sector childcare providers about business support

To ensure that private and third sector childcare providers are clear on what is available to support their business and staff as a result of the impact of Covid-19, a short guide detailing the different forms of financial support announced by the UK and Scottish Government has been prodcued. The guide details where and how to access support. 

You can download the guide here.

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Scottish Government begins monitoring uptake and provision of childcare places

The Scottish Government has begun monitoring the uptake and provision of places in early learning and childcare settings.  This includes private and third-sector all-day childcare services including nurseries, out of school care and childminders (not local authority settings). Information in relation to local authority settings will be gathered on a separate survey.

From Thursday 26 March, it is vital that these services complete this short online survey daily by 3pm each day.

Services providers in the voluntary and private sectors and childminders are asked to provide information on: 

  • whether they are open or closed
  • the number of ELC practitioners working in the setting
  • the number of children attending (including those classed as “vulnerable”, those of key workers, and those attending solely for the purposes of taking a meal).

Information will be collated by Scottish Government and alongside the local authority data, this will be used to monitor the level of provision during the outbreak of the coronavirus (Covid-19).

You can access the survey here

The data you give is crucial in enabling Scottish Government to monitor current provision in light of this unprecedented situation.

Thank you for your support in completing this daily survey and to you and all your staff providing this vital service to children and families.

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Advice note for practitioners from the Mental Welfare Commission

The Mental Welfare Commission is being contacted for advice on mental health care and treatment related to this pandemic.

In light of this, and in anticipation of emergency legislation currently going through Parliament, they have produced this advice note for practitioners who are using the Mental Health Act and Adults with Incapacity Act when caring for patients.

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Guidance for childminders

Following the Scottish and UK Government’s announcements on 23 March 2020 about the latest measures necessary to reduce the spread of Covid-19, the Scottish Government has issued guidance which sets out the implications for childminding services in Scotland.

You can download the guidance here

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