Who Cares? Scotland offering additional support for care experienced people

Who Cares? Scotland is offering additional support to care experienced people during the coronavirus Covid-19 emergency.  

This includes a new information and advice service, continuing to provide advocacy and helping to create online spaces for care experienced people to connect. 

Read the full update here.

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Scottish Government supplementary national child protection guidance

Scottish Government has written to key organisations with responsibilities around child protection to inform them of supplementary guidance now available to support them to carry out their duties during the Covid-19 emergency.

You can view the letter and guidance here

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SCLD coronavirus information for people with learning disabilities

The Scottish Commission for Learning Disability (SCLD) has produced guidance for people with learning disabilities on the coronavirus Covid-19 outbreak.  This includes easy-read common questions and stay at home advice.

Find out more on their website here or join their Facebook group ‘SCLD stay in touch’, which is open to anyone. 

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Supporting people to keep in touch when care homes are not accepting visitors

Where care homes are not accepting visitors, it is important that systems are put in place to enable people to keep in touch. This is a time of concern and worry for people about their loved ones and it is important that they can keep in touch. It is also important for the health and wellbeing of people who live in services to not feel abandoned by family and friends.

Download our supporting people to keep in touch when care homes are not accepting visitors guide.

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