Pressure Ulcer Microsite expiring 31 March 2022

Pressure Ulcer Microsite will expire on 31 March 2022.  Information held on the site will be available till then for access or to download.

We would signpost providers and staff to access Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s Tissue Viability Toolkit where you can access the updated Standards for Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management (2020), current guidance and tools for preventing and managing pressure ulcers.

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Personal planning – guides for providers now available

We have just published three guides for providers on personal planning

Guide 1: Early Learning and Childcare 

Guide 2: Children and Young People 

Guide 3: Adults 

The aim of these guides are to support managers and staff in services to develop and improve how personal plans for children, young people and adults are undertaken. It will help inspectors to evaluate personal plans in a more consistent way during our scrutiny and improvement work.

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Obisk Bluetree Type IIR Face Mask: MKTIIR0214 (tie back) and MKTIIR0199 (ear looped) - Quarantine

 The attached safety information message from NSS has been issued about facemasks which may be relevant to the safety of equipment and facilities.

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Consultation on our draft policy position in relation to registration, and variation of existing conditions, for services for adults with learning disabilities and/or autistic adults where support is linked to accommodation

We have launched a consultation on the review of our draft policy position in relation to registration, and variation of existing conditions, for services for adults with learning disabilities and/or autistic adults where support is linked to accommodation. 

We are consulting on this so that everyone with an interest in the proposal has the opportunity to share their views. The revised policy position will be published when we have considered all feedback.

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Consultation on the review of our quality framework for care homes for children and young people and schoolcare accommodation

We have launched a consultation on the review of our quality framework for care homes for children and young people and schoolcare accommodation (special residential schools). As part of the review, we are consulting with a range of interested parties so that everyone with an interest in care homes for children and young people and school care accommodation has the opportunity to share their views on the quality framework. The revised quality framework will be published and used for inspection, improvement, and self-evaluation when consideration of all feedback has taken place. The current quality framework can be accessed here.

If you’re interested in sharing your views, sign up to our consultation platform here.

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