International Stop Pressure Ulcer Day

It is believed that most but not all pressure ulcers are preventable and, like many conditions, early recognition and action can prevent things getting worse.

International STOP Pressure Ulcer Day was launched in 2011 following the declaration of Rio (2011) where pressure ulcer prevention was described as a universal human right. STOP The Pressure is now a huge international campaign and healthcare professionals from all over the world contribute to raising awareness in their places of work, on social media and through virtual channels. STOP The Pressure Day is Thursday 18th November this year although people often raise awareness for a full week or indeed the full month of November.

The Tissue Viability Society have created a web page which shows you can support STOP The Pressure Day on scoial media. 

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Joint Inspections of Adult Support and Protection in South Ayrshire

Inspectors have found some strengths and identified key weaknesses in adult support and protection processes and leadership in South Ayrshire.

Inspectors from the Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland carried out a joint inspection of the South Ayrshire Adult Protection Partnership between August and November 2021.

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Safe Staffing learning events

In response to interest we’ve received about Safe Staffing learning events we have arranged to run these again.  These are for providers, managers and staff working in care homes for adults (including care homes for older people).  

The event will take place on three occasions to give you a choice over which time suits best – morning, afternoon or evening - you only need to attend one event. 

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Medicines Recall: Cold and Flu Relief Capsules

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency have issued a retail and wholesaler level medicines recall for certain batches of Cold and Flu Relief Capsules made by Wrafton Laboratories Limited (trading as Perrigo) and supplied under various liveries.

For more information see link below

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Draft IPC standards feedback sessions

Healthcare Improvement Scotland and the Care Inspectorate are hosting two sessions to engage with staff who work in care homes for adults and older people and to garner their feedback on the draft IPC standards which were published on 12 October 2021.

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