Review of social work governance and assurance in Scotland

Published: 09 July 2024

On 15 July 2024 we notified all local authorities and health and social care partnerships across Scotland of our intention to undertake a national thematic review of social work governance and assurance arrangements.

The review is being carried out between July and December 2024 and a national report will be published in March 2025. The legislative basis for the review is S.53 of the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010.

Through the review we will answer these questions.

How well do social work governance and assurance arrangements support leaders to:

  • Ensure statutory duties are carried out safely and effectively?
  • Enable social work staff to be supported, accountable and effective in their practice?
  • Assist social work staff to uphold core social work values?

We will span all areas of statutory social work including adults, children and justice social work services and will cover all local authority areas in Scotland. 

The review will include: a review of documents, a national staff survey, interviews with key leaders from across Scotland and a range of focus groups with middle and senior managers.

Review timeline

webpage graphic

More information about the review can be found in the following links:


Downloads: 1346

Safe staffing improvement programme

Published: 11 March 2022

The Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 (not yet enacted) was passed in 2019. The Care Inspectorate has been commissioned by the Scottish Government to lead on a national quality improvement programme to support care services in preparation for the enactment of the legislation.

Our vision

Working in collaboration with people who experience care, relatives, representation groups and other key stakeholders, our vision of the programme is to: 

‘Ensure that in care services in Scotland there are the right people, in the right place, with the right skills at the right time working to ensure people experience the best health and care outcomes.’ 

We regularly publish programme updates and resources on The Hub. 

To find out more information about the programme or you would like to get involved email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Downloads: 10982

Secure care pathway review 2022-23

Published: 26 August 2022

Our approach

We carried out a secure care pathway review between July 2022 and July 2023 to consider the impact of the Secure Care Pathway and Standards that were published in October 2020.  The review focused on young people up to the age of 18 who have been placed – or are at risk of being placed – by Scottish local authorities, in secure care accommodation.

The review centred on listening to and understanding the experiences of 30 young people across Scotland before, during and after experiencing secure care accommodation.   During the review period we tracked the journeys of these young people and this helped us to consider impact and outcomes over time.  The annual inspections of registered secure care providers continue to be carried out.  We worked jointly with the inspectors of these services to inform the review, particularly in relation to the ‘during’ stage of young people’s journeys through secure care.

Our review is now complete and you can read the report here.

More information

Information about the secure care pathway and standards can be found here.

Downloads: 7484

Self-evaluation of performance and quality assurance in justice social work

Published: 21 August 2024

This justice social work self-evaluation will focus on the current capacity of services to evidence performance, quality and outcomes in relation to community based sentences. The self-evaluation activities will be undertaken in two phases between September 2024 and March 2025. A national report will be published in May 2025.

The approach to this work will be informed by Quality Indicator 6.4 (Performance Management and Quality Assurance) which is drawn from the Care Inspectorate’s Guide to Self-Evaluation for Community Justice in Scotland. The aim is to develop a clear understanding of strengths and develop an evidence-base that informs local and national improvement initiatives.

By using a self-evaluation approach rather than a traditional inspection model, we hope to minimise the burden on local authorities whilst building capacity for improvement across the sector.

Useful links: 

Downloads: 539

Serious Incident Reviews

Published: 09 December 2021

Serious Incident Reviews

The Care Inspectorate assumed responsibility for the oversight of learning from serious incident reviews when it was established in 2011.  The function is underpinned by the Care Inspectorate’s statutory duties under the Public Service Reform (Scotland) Act 2010.  The national guidance for serious incident reviews was developed in partnership with the Scottish Government and Social Work Scotland.   The guidance outlines what is expected of local authorities when a serious incident comes to their attention.

The reporting of serious incidents currently pertains to people who have received a final disposal from court following conviction.  This includes people made subject to the various requirements of a community payback order or a drug treatment and testing order.  It also relates to everyone released from custody subject to statutory social work supervision.  Guidance on the management and delivery of these orders and licences is contained within a variety of national outcomes and standards - Scottish Government collection of justice social work guidance.

When a serious incident occurs the local authority should notify the Care Inspectorate within five working days. The Care Inspectorate provides a quality assurance role in Serious Incident Reviews, by looking at how reviews have been conducted and whether these have been carried out in a robust and meaningful way. The Serious Incident Review guidance with appendixes to submit a notification and review can be found here.

If there are any queries in the meantime please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please submit the relevant forms/reports through secure email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The notification and review templates can be found here:

The main contact for this work is:

Mike Hendry, Strategic Inspector

Mobile 07388 709834


Downloads: 9533

Shout out to carers

Published: 01 June 2020
Downloads: 3285

Staffing schedules

Published: 18 January 2019

The Care Inspectorate has traditionally issued a staffing schedule to relevant service types at the point of registration.  This is a historical practice that has continued from previous regulatory bodies.  The issuing of staffing schedules has been reviewed over the years, but the practice of some service types having a staffing schedule remains.  We have recognised that the majority of staffing schedules in place do not reflect the changing needs of people who currently use the service. In a time of great change across the care sector, we want to promote innovation and also ensure people experiencs high-quality care and support that is tailored to their needs, rights and choices.  High-quality staffing that responds dynamically to people’s needs is essential for this.

We recognise that staffing schedules are prescriptive and that they merely set a minimum standard based on numbers and general assumptions around the needs of the residents at the point of registration, which may have changed significantly since then.  The staffing schedules are based on the assumption that services operating at full occupancy.  They do not take account of changes in residents’ dependency and capabilities, either among long-standing residents or new people coming to live in the home.

Consequently, we have taken the decision to move away from issuing staffing schedules to enable providers to apply judgement and flexibility in demonstrating how they meet the requirements of the relevant regulation (SSI 210 (15) Staffing) which states that:

‘A provider must, having regard to the size and nature of the care services, the statement of aims and objectives and the number and needs of service users…ensure that at all times suitably qualified and competent persons are working in the care service in such numbers as are appropriate for the health, welfare and safety of service users.’

We will however retain the discretion to impose conditions about staffing, or any other matter, on any individual care service where that is necessary to ensure people experience high quality care.

The legal framework under which services operate is quite clear that the responsibility for assessing staffing according to need lies with the provider of a care service.  The Scottish Regulators’ Strategic Code of Practice requires us to be proportionate in our approach and we believe that the safety, health and wellbeing of people who experience care can be enhanced without the issuing of fixed staffing notices at the point of registration.

The removal of staffing schedules will also remove reference to the management arrangements, however Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI) 210: Regulation 17 (1) (c) – Appointment of Manager states: “A provider who is not, or does not intend to be, in full time day-to-day charge of the care service must appoint an individual to manage the service”.  We expect this regulation to be complied with and to see the management arrangements detailed in the aims and objectives for each individual service.

With the removal of staffing schedules, our scrutiny methodology will help provide assurance that the provider has systems in place to assess people’s dependency, regularly and as their needs change.  Providers will be required to maintain a daily record of the staffing level and skill mix which results from a dynamic process in relation to the assessment of need and capability.

Quality Indicator 3.3 in the new quality framework for care homes for older people states: ‘Staffing levels are right and staff work well together’.  Inspectors can and will evaluate providers systems and processes against this indicator to ensure that there are positive outcomes for people who receive services.  We strongly encourage providers to ensure this is part of their self-evaluation and quality assurance systems also.

This approach reflects the Care Inspectorate’s broader shift towards outcomes-focused regulation which seeks to ensure that care and support is responsive to people’s individual needs.  Providers of care and support have a clear responsibility to provide effective staffing, and we will continue to ensure through our scrutiny work that this is happening.

From 1 September 2018 we will no longer issue staffing schedules for new registrations.  A letter and variation template will be sent to all existing providers for services who have staffing schedules.  Between January and 31 March 2019 we will process variations for all providers who return a completed variation template.

It may take some time to complete variations for all relevant registered services.  We are therefore unable to give a timescale for completion of individual applications; however, we will endeavour to complete variations as quickly as possible.

Downloads: 18168

Statistics and analysis

Published: 13 March 2015

We collect a wide range of statistical information about Scotland's care services.  We collect this to help us regulate services.  We also use this information to produce statistical overviews of the service types we regulate.  

We include data in our annual report and accounts, annual childcare statistics and the periodic, state-of-the-nation reports we produce.

Use the following links to find the publication you are looking for:

Childcare Statistics

Quarterly Statistical Summary Report

You can find our reports in our publications and statistics area.

Childcare Statistics

The Childcare Statistics detail the provision and use of registered daycare of children and childminding services in Scotland.  These are updated on an annual basis.  Below are links to the annual reports since 2010.

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report

The Quarterly Statistical Summary Report publication presents data on the number of registered care services, care service registrations and cancellations, complaints against care services received, registered and completed and quality theme grades all by care service type and or service sector. 

Full reports are available for download in Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) and Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) format.  In addition, the data tables are available in non-proprietary Comma Separated Values (CSV) format, individually.  The provision of the data in these formats is intended to facilitate its analysis and re-use.

All content is available under the Open Government License, unless otherwise stated.  More information on this license is available at

Our Intelligence Team compile and manage the information within the Quarterly Statistical Summary Report.

For help using this or any queries relating to its content or use then please email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 1 (2024/25)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 4 (2023/24)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 3 (2023/24)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 2 (2023/24)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 1 (2023/24)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 4 (2022/23)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 3 (2022/23)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 2 (2022/23)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 1 (2022/23)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 4 (2021/22)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 3 (2021/22)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 2 (2021/22)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 1 (2021/22)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 4 (2020/21)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 3 (2020/21)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 2 (2020/21)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 1 (2020/21)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 4 (2019/20)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 3 (2019/20)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 2 (2019/20)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 1 (2019/20)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 4 (2018/19)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 3 (2018/19)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 2 (2018/19)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 1 (2018/19)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 4 (2017/18)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 3 (2017/18) - Revised

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 3 (2017/18)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 2 (2017/18)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 1 (2017/18)

Care Inspectorate Quarterly Statistical Summary Report - Quarter 4 (2016/17)


Downloads: 47239
