Medical Device Alert

The Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency have issued an alert about 'Alaris syringe pumps' which are manufactured by CareFusion.

The alert advises that using non-recommended syringes in Alaris syringe pumps that have a broken spring in the plunger assembly may cause unintended bolus of medication.

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Arts in Care

The festive season is a great time to support older people to enjoy and participate in the creative arts.

That is the message from the Care Inspectorate, Scotland’s social care scrutiny and improvement body as part of a campaign to ensure people living in care homes are able to enjoy the creative arts.

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Protecting people from falls

Christmas is an important time to help protect vulnerable people from the risk of falls, the Care Inspectorate has said.

Inspectors are encouraging everyone who spends time with a loved one in a care setting this Christmas to be on the look out for potential fall hazards.

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Continence Without Borders

The Association for Continence Advice (ACA) are delighted to announce that their Annual Conference and Exhibition will be held on 22nd and 23rd May 2017 at the Belfast Waterfront in Northern Ireland. Delegate registration is now open.

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Zero tolerance policy

We introduced a zero tolerance policy earlier in the year.

The vast majority of interactions we have with services are positive, even when discussing complex and difficult issues, but for the tiny minority of cases where our staff are subject to harassment, we will take a zero tolerance approach, which is covered in this policy.

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