The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 takes effect from April 1, 2018 to ensure better and more consistent support for carers so that they can continue to care, if they so wish, in better health and to have a life alongside caring.
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Creative activities in care settings: survey from Luminate

Luminate - Scotland’s creative ageing organisation – needs your help. They are trying to find out more about creative activities taking place in care settings in Scotland.
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Guidance on adult to child ratios in Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings

As part of implementing the new Health and Social Care Standards, the Care Inspectorate has reviewed the adult to child ratios in Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings and issued the guidance.  This reflects the ratios that existed under the previous National Care Standards, with some additional advice included within the guidance.  The guidance will be reviewed in May 2019.

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Blog: I volunteer with the Care Inspectorate because I know older people need good quality care so they can live well and enjoy life

By Isobel Dawson, Inspection Volunteer

As an inspection volunteer, my role in the Care Inspectorate is to work closely with the team of specialist inspectors when they are on inspections. Inspection volunteers spend time with the people who are experiencing care and their carers to ensure that their views are reflected accurately. This helps the inspectors identify where things need to improve, helping to keep people safe and ensure that the rights of people experiencing care are respected and their needs met.
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Introducing Toothbrushing: A guide for childminders

The leaflet "Introducing Toothbrushing: A guide for childminders" has been published by NHS Scotland and will support childminders to meet National Care Standards.

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