Blog: Young inspection volunteers help us to amplify the voice of care experienced children and young people

By Rami Okasha, Executive Director of Scrutiny & Improvement  

This week colleagues from the Care Inspectorate are delivering a presentation at the prestigious European Social Services Conference to share information and learning from Scotland’s innovative Young Inspection Volunteer programme. For us, this is a truly person-centred approach to scrutiny and improvement. It puts the voice of care experienced young people right at the heart of children’s service inspections.

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Garioch Care Home, Inverurie.

A care home for older people in Inverurie has been told to make urgent improvements in the care provided to vulnerable residents. 

The Care Inspectorate has served a formal Improvement Notice on Garioch care home following an inspection which raised serious concerns. 

The notice lists three areas which require urgent improvement including better access to toilet and bathing facilities for residents and staff training. 

The Improvement Notice says management of the home must demonstrate to the Care Inspectorate that all residents "have access, whenever required, to toilet facilities which are fit for purpose and are appropriate to meet their needs." 

They must also ensure "all staff employed in the service have completed training in adult support and protection" and are "aware of how to report adult support and protection concerns and are confident in doing so." 

A spokesperson for the Care Inspectorate said: "The Improvement Notice we have issued clearly lays out the improvements we must see so that the care provided to residents improves quickly. 

"We will visit this care home again soon to check on progress and if we are not satisfied that the matters raised are being addressed urgently we will not hesitate to take further action. 

"Everyone in Scotland has the right to safe, compassionate care which meets their needs and respects their rights. 

"Anyone with a concern can contact our helpline on 0345 600 9527."

The improvement notice is available here:







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Care Homes – The Design Guide

The below information is now out of date - this guidance has been replaced with: 

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Blog: Our new model for joint inspections will focus on the most vulnerable children and young people in our society

By Helen Happer, Chief Inspector Strategic ScrutinyHelen Happer Photo

We’re changing our joint inspections of services for children and young people in community planning partnerships from April 2018. This revised model now takes a more focused look at the experiences and outcomes for children and young people who need protection or who are care experienced. As part of this development we will be revising some aspects of our methodology and we want to keep you updated as we roll out these changes.

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Blog: I know how it feels to experience care and I want to let young people know they are not alone

Toni Twigg


By Toni Twigg, Young Inspection Volunteer

I am a young inspection volunteer and I have been volunteering with the Care Inspectorate for the past three years. 

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