Drug Alert: Recall of Cough Syrups

The MHRA have issued an alert recalling 15 batches of the cough syrups as a precautionary measure due to a small number of reports of mould.

For more information see MHRA website at link below:


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Blog: Care services across Scotland are generally working well to protect children from the risks of sexual exploitation

By Charlotte Wilson, Service Manager

Earlier this week the Care Inspectorate published its report Preventing and responding to child sexual exploitation: evidence from inspections of care services for children and young people.  This presents the findings of a focused programme of scrutiny to see whether the foundations are in place to support care services to prevent and respond effectively to child sexual exploitation.

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New inspection approaches

We are changing the way we inspect the quality of care and support to reflect the new Health and Social Care Standards.

We will start using a new quality framework in care homes for older people from July 2018, and roll out changes to other settings in the year ahead. 

Chief Executive Karen Reid has written an important circular letter with more information about this, including an update on scrutiny and improvement work in other settings and in our strategic inspections of local partnerships.

You can read Karen's letter here.

Visit our dedicated webpage to find out more about changes for care homes for older people here.

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Report on child sexual exploitation

Care services across Scotland are generally working well to protect children from the risks of sexual exploitation, according to inspectors.

The Care Inspectorate has today published a report on a focused scrutiny programme which looked at how well care services are preventing and responding effectively to child sexual exploitation.

Inspectors found that, overall, care staff were generally well informed about the risks of exploitation and understood their roles and responsibilities in promoting young people’s wellbeing, but identified a number of areas for improvement. The findings come from over 330 inspections of residential care, boarding school accommodation, residential special schools, secure care, fostering agencies, and adoption services.

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Let’s get creative and celebrate Care Home Week 2018

By Edith Macintosh, Head of Improvement Support 

We’re delighted to be joining in the celebrations for Care Home Week 2018. It is a great opportunity to raise awareness of Scotland's care homes, the people who live and work in them, their role in local communities and the opportunities care homes offer to enhance the lives and wellbeing of a wide range of people.

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