Joint inspection of adult support and protection in the Shetland Islands

A joint inspection of adult support and protection measures in the Shetland Islands has found clear strengths in ensuring adults at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported. However, inspectors also identified areas which could further improve.

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Scottish Government’s response to the consultation on the inspection of ELC and school age childcare services

The Scottish Government has today published its response to the consultation on the inspection of early learning and childcare (ELC) and school age childcare services in Scotland, alongside the full report of the analysis of the consultation findings.

You can access the full consultation response on the Scottish Government’s website, as well as the analysis report.

The consultation received a wide range of responses, including from local authorities, trade unions, ELC and school age childcare representative and membership bodies, academic organisations, service providers, practitioners, the Inspectorates, and parents/carers.

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Position statement: Applying to register an existing care service (Care homes for adults and daycare of children)

We have published this new position statement on applying to register a care service (care homes for adults and daycare of children). 

It explains the registration process and why care providers must be registered with us.  It highlights what to do when registering existing care service premises, including  links to good practice guidance, and provides answers to frequently asked questions to support applicants.   

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Joint inspection of adult support and protection in the Western Isles

A joint inspection of adult support and protection measures in the Western Isles has found important areas of weakness that could adversely affect experiences and outcomes for adults at risk of harm. Substantial areas for improvement were also identified.  

Inspectors found that the multi-agency procedures for adult support and protection did not cover all aspects of adult support and protection or fully detail the statutory duties and responsibilities of each agency.

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Inspection of adult social work and social care services in the city of Edinburgh

An inspection of adult social work and social care services in the City of Edinburgh has found structural weaknesses in the planning and delivery of services in the health, social work and social care system. This has resulted in too many people and carers not receiving services at the right time or place.

The inspection reports on a number of key areas:

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