New board members

The Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, Maree Todd MSP today announced the appointments of Mr Ed McGrachan and Mrs Jenny Trott as Members of the Board of the Care Inspectorate.

Read the full press release here.

Read more about the Care Inspectorate Board here.

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Transforming children’s experiences of the justice system

New test sites for ‘Bairns’ Hoose’ to be set up. 

The Scottish Government has announced that children and young people in the justice system will soon be able to benefit from coordinated, comprehensive support under one roof thanks to a £6 million investment in setting up Bairns' Hoose test sites.

A key action from The Promise, the creation of Bairns’ Hoose test sites will ensure a range of trauma-informed support is available to child victims and witnesses, aiming to improve their experience of the justice system and reduce stress when recounting their experiences.

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A guide to the Health and Care (Staffing)(Scotland) Act 2019: Guidance chapter webinars

The Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 will come into force on 1 April 2024.  Guidance is being developed to support health and care staff as they deliver the new act. 

Four webinars, taking place in June, will provide a high-level overview of the guidance chapters.  They will also support understanding of the duties associated with the legislation.  The webinars are a joint collaboration between: 

  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland 

  • The Care Inspectorate 

  • Scottish Government. 

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New guidance on how we regulate and inspect registered care services

We have published new guidance on how we regulate and inspect registered care services.  It explains our approach, how we use our quality frameworks and gather evidence and how we evaluate the quality of individual care services.  It also explains what happens before, during and after our inspections. 

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A joint inspection of services for children and young people at risk of harm in the Scottish Borders partnership

A joint inspection of services in the Scottish Borders partnership has found key strengths that are having a significant and positive impact on the lives of children and young people. Inspectors also noted some areas which could further improve.

The report notes that children, young people and families benefited from supportive and trusting relationships with staff across services.

The recognition of - and initial response to - risks and concerns to children was identified as a strength. Staff took timely and appropriate action to keep children safe.

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