Thank you to our young volunteers at the Care Inspectorate

The promise

I want to say a massive thank to our young volunteers, who are care experienced, and support our work at the Care Inspectorate.

We couldn't do what we do, without them! 

Our young volunteers visit children and young people’s services when we inspect and they support a range of our strategic scrutiny, improvement and participation activities, including speaking with senior managers in partnerships.

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The Promise in action

The Promise in action

Hamlet Farm is a residential care home provided by Imagine Care, a private limited company, registered by the Care Inspectorate in July 2022. Hamlet Farm is a six-bedded new built house set in North Ayrshire and provides care for up to three children and young people aged 5-18 years. The house provides a modern comfortable home to the young people. 

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A quality framework for childcare agencies – information and survey for managers and providers

We are making changes to the way we inspect childcare agencies and we are engaging with services about our new draft quality framework for childcare agencies.

Our new childcare agencies framework sets out the elements that will help us answer the key questions about how agencies provide high quality care to children and their families and how they support their staff to achieve this.

The core of this methodology is for the framework to be used primarily a self-evaluation tool, but we will also use this on inspection.

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Are you ready for the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019?

We have designed a poster for staff and managers within ELC services to raise awareness of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019, which comes into effect on 1 April 2024.

Services can download and display the poster to support everyone to learn about the Act and work towards the guiding principles. Further details of the Act and how it will affect services in ELC, can be found on our new Hub area.

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Children's rights report

Children's rights report

The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 requires the Care Inspectorate to publish a report every three years to show what steps have been taken to put the UNCRC into practice. This report covers progress during the period 1 April 2020 - 31 March 2023 and highlights a range of activities undertaken to protect, promote and defend children’s rights.

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