Supporting vegans and vegetarians in care

Supporting vegans and vegetarians in care

Our Health and Social Care Improvement Team is asking adult care homes to complete a short survey about vegans and vegetarians in your care. We are working with Vegetarian for Life to understand how many vegans and vegetarians live in care homes across Scotland, and to support care services to meet the nutritional and lifestyle needs of vegans and vegetarians. We will share the results of the survey with Vegetarian for Life.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will close on Friday 25 August. 

If you have any queries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Joint inspection of adult support and protection in East Renfrewshire

A joint inspection of adult support and protection measures in East Renfrewshire has found clear strengths in ensuring adults at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported.

Inspectors found that adults at risk of harm experienced improvements in their circumstances because of timely, person-centred, and efficient adult support and protection interventions. 

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Position paper - Depriving and restricting liberty for children and young people in care home, school care and secure accommodation services

We recognise that services are treading a delicate balance between taking necessary action to keep children and young people safe, while not unnecessarily restricting liberty. Our new position paper sets out our attitude, expectation, and actions around the restriction and deprivation of liberty in care home, school care and secure accommodation services. This includes circumstances where children and young people may be deprived of their liberty, where their liberty is restricted, or where this is a risk through environmental design and/or care practices. You can see the paper here.

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Malnutrition training webinar for care at home providers

The Health and Social Care Improvement Team along with Eat Well Age Well and NHS Tayside hosted a webinar to launch a new national training resource designed to support care at home staff with identifying if someone is at risk of becoming under-nourished, and how to support older people who may be struggling to eat and drink well at home.

Read about the webinar and how to access the recording here.

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Joint inspection of adult support and protection in East Lothian

A joint inspection of adult support and protection measures in the East Lothian area has found clear strengths in ensuring adults at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported. However, inspectors also identified areas which could further improve.

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