Deaths of young people in continuing care

Deaths of young people in continuing care

Local authorities are required to submit written notification to the Care Inspectorate of any death of a young person in receipt of continuing care as soon as is reasonably practicable.

Please complete attached form - DCC1

Please note this is separate from the duty of a registered care service to notify us of the death of a service user. These are submitted separately via the registered services eforms.

More information about notification and reporting arrangements can be found here.

Please submit all relevant forms/reports through secure email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The main contact for this work is: 

Karen McCormack, Strategic Inspector 

Mobile: 07833 057105

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Deaths of young people receiving aftercare provision

Deaths of young people receiving aftercare provision

Local authorities are required to submit written notification to the Care Inspectorate of any death of a young person in receipt of aftercare provision as soon as is reasonably practicable.

Please complete attached form - DAC1

Please note this is separate from the duty of a registered care service to notify us of the death of a service user. These are submitted separately via the registered services eforms.

More information about notification and reporting arrangements can be found here.

Please submit all relevant forms/reports through secure email to 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The main contact for this work is: 

Karen McCormack, Strategic Inspector

Mobile: 07833 057105

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Changes to notifications of deaths of looked after children and deaths of young people in continuing care or receiving aftercare provision

Changes to notifications of deaths of looked after children and deaths of young people in continuing care or receiving aftercare provision

New arrangements for reviewing and learning from the deaths of children and young people came into force on 1 October 2021.   

The establishment of the National hub for reviewing and learning from the deaths of children and young people and recently published national guidance for child protection committees undertaking learning reviews will require changes to the ways in which local authorities review the deaths of looked after children and young people experiencing care.  

More information about these changes can be found here.

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Deaths of Looked After Children

Deaths of Looked After Children

Local authorities are required to submit written notification within 24 hours of any death of a looked after child to the Care Inspectorate.  

Please complete attached form – DLC1

Please note this is separate from the duty of a registered care service to notify us of the death of a service user. These are submitted separately via the registered services eForms

More information about notification and reporting arrangements can be found here.

Please submit all relevant forms/reports through secure email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The main contact for this work is: 

Karen McCormack, Strategic Inspector 

Mobile: 07833 057105 

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Notification on controlled drugs

Notification on controlled drugs

Providers should notify the Care Inspectorate to any adverse events and concerns involving schedule 2, 3, 4, and 5 controlled drugs used in care settings, when they occur, and while the service user is receiving care in the care service.

Please note, it is a legal requirement for care services to notify the Care Inspectorate of the matters listed in this document. Where the requirement is limited to a specific type of care service, this is detailed in the guidance.

Care services and local authorities must use our eForms system to make these notifications.

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