Joint statement on care and support for all people with learning disabilities

We have joined with the Mental Welfare Commission and the Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability to make it clear that no one with a learning disability, whichever care or treatment setting they are in, must be at risk of being deprived of their fundamental rights.

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Education Scotland launched as new agency for education

Education Scotland, the Scottish Government's national development and improvement agency for education, was launched on 1 July. 

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Drive to prevent care home falls

A best practice toolkit has been launched to help manage and reduce falls and fractures in Scotland's care homes.  

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Building a framework for offender risk assessment

The Risk Management Authority (RMA) has published its paper, Framework for Risk Assessment, Management and Evaluation: FRAME.

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Website publications - maintenance

The publications section on our website is currently down for maintenance.  Apologies for any inconvenience.

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