We are currently undertaking a review of involvement activities in SCSWIS and want to hear your views on how SCSWIS should engage with people, what you think will work and any experiences you have of good practice in involvement.  

To gather your views a steering group has been set up including SCSWIS staff from all three previous bodies. The group is making contact with:  

  • people who have been involved as lay people/carers in inspections,
  • people who use care services and carers who have been involved in advisory roles previously,
  • umbrella and support groups,
  • service providers and
  • SCSWIS staff 
  • We will use a range of ways of getting feedback including area office meetings, small internal focus groups, external meetings and a survey questionnaire which will allow everyone to contribute.  

Once the review is complete in September 2011, a comprehensive report will be produced to inform the new SCSWIS Involvement Strategy.  

We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete the online questionnaire, available at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/involvementreview.  The closing date for completed questionnaires is Monday 8 August 2011. 

If you have any questions or queries regarding the involvement review, please contact:   

Alison Bavidge  

Projects Adviser

01382 2077332

Charlene Guild

Prof Adviser, Equalities & Involvement

01382 207304