Scottish Pre-school Play Association’s national conference
The Earlier the Better - Improving children’s lifechances through early intervention.
Royal College of Nursing publish new guide to developing specialist skills in autism practice
The Royal College of Nursing have produced a guide aimed at those who lead the planning, development and commissioning of services with local authorities and GPs.
Learning disability and dementia - training for trainers
This one day event on 25 April, certificated by The University of Edinburgh, will provide staff working in health and social care with information, support and resources to facilitate training about learning disability and dementia in their own organisation.
Launch of new accessible counselling service for disabled people in Scotland
Your Call (a freephone telephone counselling service for disabled people in Scotland) is now offering an e-mail counselling service.
Rehabilitation’s Consultants contribution to published book.
Edith Macintosh, the Care Inspectorate's Rehabilitation Consultant wrote a chapter for the recently published book “Design of Outdoor Spaces for People with Dementia” Edith’s chapter is called “How relatives, friends and staff can facilitate being outside”.
Is your early years practitioner registered?
It is estimated that around 2,150 practitioners still need to register before compulsory registration comes into force on 30 September 2011 at the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC).
Role of pharmacists to be reviewed
The role of pharmacists, such as in the care of residents in care homes, is to be reviewed.
MHRA Alert - August 2012
The following MHRA Alert has been issued: