Revised health guidance on Disposable gloves: use and management - August 2011

Published: 01 August 2011

This revised health guidance has now been published on our website.

Downloads: 6135

Role of pharmacists to be reviewed

Published: 25 October 2011

The role of pharmacists, such as in the care of residents in care homes, is to be reviewed.

Downloads: 5138

Royal College of Nursing publish new guide to developing specialist skills in autism practice

Published: 26 October 2011

The Royal College of Nursing have produced a guide aimed at those who lead the planning, development and commissioning of services with local authorities and GPs. 

Downloads: 5201

RPS Scotland launches report on improving pharmaceutical care in care homes

Published: 13 March 2012

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society in Scotland has launched a new report that calls for radical changes to the way pharmaceutical care is provided in care homes.

Downloads: 5363

Safer recruitment update - taking account of the protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG)

Published: 13 October 2011

This guidance has been updated to reflect the changes as a result of the introduction of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) legislation

Downloads: 8977

Scarlet Fever - Letter from NHS Tayside

Published: 17 March 2014

NHS Tayside area have highlighted an increase in the number of cases of scarlet fever occurring within their area. They have issued the following letter which contains useful information for those living and working in their area. 

For further information on scarlet fever including a useful question and answer page click here

Downloads: 5923

SCMA secures funding to Community Childminding Service in Fife and Stirling

Published: 27 August 2012

The Scottish Childminding Association has announced that their bid for expanding the Community Childminding Service to help more vulnerable children and families has been accepted by the Early Years Early Action Fund.

Downloads: 5394

Scotland's Dementia Awards

Published: 25 June 2012

There's still time to enter the first ever Scotland’s Dementia Awards: a partnership between Alzheimer Scotland, NHS Education for Scotland, NHS Health Scotland and Scottish Social Services Council. The event will take place on Thursday 20 September 2012 at Hampden Stadium, in celebration of World Alzheimer’s Day.

Downloads: 5218