Childcare Statistics 2010

Published: 31 October 2011

Publications code: P&KM-1011-001

Statistics on the provision and use of day care of children and childminding services registered with the Care Inspectorate as at 31 December 2010.

Statistics 2010 - excel tables

Downloads: 349

Childcare Statistics 2010: Results from feedback survey

Published: 07 November 2012

A survey of users of the childcare statistics produced by the Care Inspectorate in 2011 was carried out in April 2012. 

Respondents were invited to express their satisfaction or otherwise with the presentation, timing and content of Childcare Statistics 2010.

Downloads: 389

Childcare Statistics 2011

Published: 01 December 2011

This is the second report to be published in this series of statistics. 

2011 Statistics - Excel Spreadsheet

Downloads: 678

Childcare Statistics 2011

Published: 09 November 2012

Care Inspectorate publishes ‘Childcare Statistics 2011'

Downloads: 4846

Childcare Statistics 2012

Published: 01 October 2013

The provision and use of registered daycare of children and childminding services in Scotland as at December 2012.

2012 Statistics - Excel Spreadsheet

Downloads: 718

Childcare Statistics 2012

Published: 01 October 2013
Downloads: 246

Childcare Statistics 2013

Published: 01 September 2014

2013 Statistics - supporting tables

Downloads: 420

Childcare Statistics 2014

Published: 08 October 2015

2014 Statistics - Excel Spreadsheet

Downloads: 528
