Free CPD opportunity – Tackling Inequalities

The University of Dundee is running a free online course for staff, students, service users and volunteers, starting on 29 May 2017.

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‘What matters to you?’ day - 6 June 2017

‘What matters to you?' day is being held on 6 June 2017, please save the date and plan now for how you might join in on the day.

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Childminding Week 2017 (8-14 May)

Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA) is hosting the first ever Childminding Week to bring childminders together and raise the profile of the fantastic work they do with children across Scotland.

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Advancing Equality in the Care Inspectorate – New reports published

Our equality reports demonstrating our commitment and approach to equality work have now been published. These explain how we meet and progress our public sector duties under the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012.

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Scottish Government publishes responses to National Care Standards consultation

The Scottish Government have published an analysis of responses to the New National Health and Care Standards consultation.

  • 74% of people strongly agreed/ agreed that the new Standards reflect the experience of people who receive care and support
  • 75% of people considered the new Standards will help to support improvement in care services
  • 79% of people strongly agreed/ agreed the new Standards will be relevant across all health, care and social work settings
  • 85% of people strongly agreed/ agreed the new Standards will help to support improvement in care services

For more information visit

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