Reference: SAN(SC)18/02
Subject: Risk of death and severe harm from failure to obtain and continue flow from oxygen cylinders
This Safety Action Notice is based on a Patient Safety Alert issued by NHS Improvement which oversees NHS funded care providers in England. Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) has a remit to assess the applicability of these publications in Scotland.
In this instance HIS has delegated to NHS National Services Scotland (NSS). The alert has subsequently been transferred to a Scottish format suitable for cascade to Equipment Co-ordinators in NHS Boards and local authorities. HIS Liaison Co-ordinators and their deputies are copied in for information.
This notice is also distributed to organisations operating in the independent sector in Scotland. These organisations are notified to NSS by HIS. However, independent organisations which have their head office in England may use the source Patient Safety Alert in place of this notice in order to comply with their internal corporate governance arrangements.
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