Blog: Expressive arts and creative play are vital for child development

By Henry Mathias, Strategic Lead for the Health and Social Care StandardsHenry Mathias

We are currently seeing a wonderful growth of expressive arts activities for children attending early learning and childcare services. It’s not just that there are a lot more of them, they are also much better quality. 

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Field Safety Notice

Harvest Healthcare

25 January 2018

Mattresses - active/passive and overlays

Model: mattress pumps

MHRA reference: 2017/011/015/291/041


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Tackling Inequalities Through Health and Social Care Design

The University of Dundee is running a free online course for staff, students, service users and volunteers, starting on 19th February 2018! 

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Better Eating, Better Learning Award

Applications are now open for schools and ELC Centres to demonstrate creative and innovative practice in implementing Better Eating, Better Learning guidance. Share your journey here as to how you are developing food education and improving the provision of food in your school and ELC Centre. Entries are open until 31 March.

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Creative play helps children flourish as confident, resilient and happy individuals and it is vital for child development.

And a new resource from the Care Inspectorate, Scotland’s social care scrutiny and improvement body, aims to encourage all care services that work with children to unleash their creative potential.

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