Blog: New inspections for care homes for older people

By Gordon Paterson, Chief Inspector for Adult Services

The Scottish Government’s new health and social care standards were published in 2017, and set out what people should experience from care. They are really focused on supporting people’s power, control, human rights and wellbeing. At the Care Inspectorate, we have been committed to reflecting these in our inspections, but promised there would be no big bang approach to our implementation. We promised to consult and engage widely to ensure any changes are well understood and informed by a wide range of people, including from people experiencing care. This builds on the very extensive consultation during the development of the care standards themselves.

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Systems restored

Following a major power cut this morning, we are pleased to confirm power has now been restored. Our telephones, email and internet are back online.  We apologise if you tried to contact us this morning and were unable to get through. 

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Continence Care Conference 2018

The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Continence Care Conference 2018 Date: 3rd October 2018 Venue: Molineux Stadium, Wolverhampton

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Protecting people from harm

Press Release

Considerable progress has been made in ensuring that adults who are at risk of harm are safe and better supported, inspectors have said.

That is the main finding of the first ever inspection looking specifically at how well agencies responsible for keeping adults safe are working together to protect those at risk of harm.

Adult support and protection is delivered in Scotland by a range of agencies working as adult support and protection partnerships. These include local authorities, Police Scotland, health professionals, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and others. 

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Blog: We’re introducing new ways of inspecting care homes

By Rami Okasha, Executive Director of Strategy and Improvement

New ways of inspecting care homes are due to start in July 2018, reflecting Scotland’s new Health and Social Care Standards. When the new standards were published in 2017, the Care Inspectorate hailed these as being radical, modern and really focused on supporting people’s power, control, human rights and wellbeing.

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