Scotland’s Health and Social Care Standards

The Care Inspectorate has published an academic paper entitled ‘Scotland’s Health and Social Care Standards’, which examines the factors that influenced the development of the Scottish model and explores the implications for the future of care and care scrutiny.  Authored by Henry Mathias this paper follows previous academic papers we have published, which contribute to the body of specialist knowledge regarding care scrutiny and will be included in reading materials for our Professional Development Award.  Earlier this year, Karen Reid’s paper ‘From enforcer to enabler: how regulatory sandboxes and adaptive approaches support the move from compliance to collaboration in health and social care’ was published and more recently Rami Okasha’s ‘Whose life is it anyway? Countering epistemic injustice in social service scrutiny and improvement by involving people with personal experience’.

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Measurement for Improvement eLearning module

NHS Education for Scotland have launched a new Measurement for Improvement eLearning module on the QI Zone. This can be accessed via the digital platform Turas Learn here.

This is a fantastic online resource that offers an introduction to anyone working in Health and Social Care who wants to learn how to measure for improvement.

This module aims to help staff identify what to measure, what data to collect, how to interpret the data and tell the quality improvement story.

The module is free to access and suitable for anyone working in the public-sector workforce looking to improve local services.

The QI Zone also allows you to create and update your own personal learning record, keeping details about all your training and development in one place. They ask you to register on QI Zone before launching the module to ensure whatever you do is recorded in your learning log.

Please circulate to your teams and service contacts as appropriate.

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New CCTV guidance for care service providers

We have published closed circuit television (CCTV) guidance, which sets out key considerations and our expectations.

The guidance takes account of the Health and Social Care Standards and the Data Protection Act 2018.

If you use, or are considering using, CCTV in your service, it is important that you read this guidance and follow it.

Please note that we do not require services to use CCTV, which is no substitute for effective staffing levels.

You can find the guidance here.


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Skin Safety Event – 20 September 2018

3M would be delighted to invite you to their 3M Skin Safety Study Day on Thursday 20 September 2018, 10am – 3.30pm at Novotel Edinburgh Park, 15 Lochside Avenue, Edinburgh, EH12 9DJ. Further details of the programme can be found below. 

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Blog: Supporting self-evaluation in care homes for older people

By Kevin Mitchell, Executive Director of Scrutiny and Assurance

Inspections are vital to provide assurance and support improvement, but so is robust, evidence-based self-evaluation undertaken on a regular basis as part of wider quality assurance approach can be even more powerful in supporting continuous improvement.

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