Supporting Improvement - it's everyone's business

This booklet sets out the Care Inspectorate's Improvement Strategy, the role of the improvement support team and key improvement messages for providers, services, staff, people using the service and their families or carers.  This can help you with any improvements you want to make and guide you to test out your changes using the Model for Improvement.  It's in a simple, informative and creative format and you can download this and use it to promote improvements in care in your own area. 

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Press release: Lincluden After School Group, Dumfries

An after school care service in Dumfries must make urgent improvements in the care experienced by children, inspectors have said.

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NES Turas platform

NES have been transitioning the hosting of education resources from learnPro community to the NES Turas platform, following the cessation of the learnPro community NES corporate license.

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The Healthy Living Award

The healthy living award is a national award which rewards caterers who make it easier for their customers to eat healthily. The award is supported by the NHS Health Scotland and the Scottish Government.

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NHS Education Scotland (NES) launch free elearning module about ‘Understanding your System’

NHS Education Scotland (NES) launch free elearning module about ‘Understanding your System’

This is an eLearning module that sits on the QI Zone. It can be accessed via the digital platform Turas Learn here.

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