Submit your views about a patient safety commissioner for Scotland

The Patient Safety Commissioner for Scotland Bill was introduced into the Scottish Parliament on 7 October 2022. The Bill is now available to read at Patient Safety Commissioner for Scotland Bill – Bills (proposed laws) – Scottish Parliament | Scottish Parliament Website, you can also submit your views to Parliament in their Citizen Space for the Bill: Patient Safety Commissioner for Scotland Bill - Scottish Parliament - Citizen Space.

The purpose of the bill is to establish a commissioner for Scotland to support system-wider safety of health care and to promote the importance of the views of people who use services and members of the public about the safety of healthcare.

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Blog: our new animation and how it came about

Blog: our new animation and how it came about

Read what Mary Morris, Team Manager and Julie Brown, Involvement Adviser, had to say about the new animation co-designed with our volunteers, how it came about and why, and what happened during the making of it.

The children and young people’s team were genuinely inspired by the approach used to involve our young inspection volunteers in the co-design of both the Text to Complain service, and the recent animation which promoted this service with our children and young people. We were keen to take a similar style and meaningfully engage our volunteers with lived experience of care in our evolving approach to inspection work. We thought that this chimed really well with the messages from the Promise and ensured that our young people’s voices influenced our work in an authentic way.

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Introduction to the updated housing support services quality framework and self-evaluation toolkit

We would like to invite people working in housing support services to attend the above webinar.

This webinar will explain the changes made within the updated framework, and also introduce staff to the Self-evaluation Toolkit which has emerged from the learnings of our previous work on the Covid-19 Self-Evaluation Toolkit for key question 7 from discussions with services and inspectors.

Date: Tuesday 22 November 2022
Time: 10:00-11:00am

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Board member Charlotte Armitage collaborates with National Theatre of Scotland

“What if rather than criticise the poor and how they carry their burden, we stood back in awe that they can carry it at all?  What if we realised that we are all connected to each other?  What if we held each other the way we’d like to be held ourselves?" 

Our Board member Charlotte Armitage has collaborated with the National Theatre of Scotland (NTS) on a new digital production called ‘Holding/Holding On’, as part of its ‘Care in Contemporary Scotland – A Creative Enquiry’ programme. The film is available to watch now as part of #CareExperiencedWeek and can be watched here

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New animation by our young inspection volunteers

New animation by our young inspection volunteers

This brand new animation was co-designed with our volunteers, as part of Key Question 7 – a significant change to how we carry out inspections for services for children and young people.  It explains what the changes are, focusing more on what really matters to young people and the quality of care they experience.  It also demonstrates The Promise in action – by making sure that our young people’s voices authentically influence our work. 

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